How much should i seel this car for?

I'm selling my old car. I want to sell it at a fair price, but I have no idea what range it'll fall in. Kelly blue book only goes to 94, and this car is a 91, so I wasn't able to look that up.

Here it is:

1991 Honda Accord

AC doesn't work (it blows cold air sometimes, but I just assume tell them it doesn't work)
Possible transmission issues (an "S" light came on, was told it indicates something with the transmission)
It starts overheating in 20min
Steering issues (kind of pulls to one side slightly)
2 out of the 4 windows don't roll down

Looks great. New paint, tint, no body damage, sparkles on the outside, very nice looking on the inside too
Runs good and has been reliable

What do you think?

Fix the AC & Overheating issue.

Use the 94 valuations and deduct maybe 15%.

Ignore the s light.


Fix the AC blower round 70 bucks
The S light could be a solenoid valve, replace it with a used one.
Fix the over heating, leaks, bad radiator etc etc
And do an alignment.

Tell them this, or fix it yourself sell it for 1k


Your being dishonest. How can anyone describe a car that overheats, doesn't have a working A/C system, has transmission problems, has a steering issue that affects the safe operation of the vehicle and has two windows that won't open as "runs good and has been reliable".

The ONLY reason you claim this car is reliable is because you refuse to maintain it properly. Your car is in very poor condition. The shiny new paint and your dark tint isn't going to make up for the fact that you haven't been maintaining this car properly and it's evidence that all you care about is how the looks, not in how well it runs or how well you've taken care of the car mechanically.

It a 23 year old car with high miles and too many repair issues that indicate neglect by the owner. It's worth no more than $800.

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