How to make a 2004 honda accord look more masculine?

Without making it look like a ricer car

There's not much you can really change about it to not make it look riced out. I'd probably just go for some rims and lowering the ride a bit (not stanced, but at least lower than the factory height). Other than that, I'd just go for performance parts.

You pretty much push it off a cliff and buy a proper car

Lower it and install low-profile tires and the largest diameter rims you can fit in your wheel wells. This is definitely a guy thing in a girl's eyes.

Drop it on a Chevy 2500 4x4 frame. Roll coal.

Not sure what color you have. Can you weld?- stick a roll cage in it- weld the hood to fenders-and doors to body. Also- take all the entire out. No women would want it

Sell your car and buy something else

Black it out

Change the grille into honey comb. Change the rims but make it look like as if its not an aftermarket wheel. Remove chromes if there are.

Cars are neither "masculine" or "feminine". They do not have gender. Since you personally are insecure in your manhood, get a set of Truck Nutz to hang off your back bumper.

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