How to tell if my honda accord 2000 is a 4 or 6 cylinders?

How can i tell if my honda accord 2000 is a 4 or 6 cylinders?

Andrew: The best way to find out is go by the vehicle VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) to find out what engine you have and more for the 2000 Accord (Anyone can do it). Look at this link, it will show you how:

If your air filter/air box doesn't lead you to the top/middle of your engine, you don't have a v6.

Guys after the question he asked and you are telling him to count the spark plugs? He has no idea eat spark plugs mean. If bit looks like the one in the picture is a 4 cylinderHow to tell if my honda accord 2000 is a 4 or 6 cylinders - 1

It shouls say in any papers you have on the car, Simplist way is just count the spark plugs.

Open the hood and count the spark plug wires? Or, it may say on the valve cover somewhere. Or, look on the title and google search the VIN.