I have 2000 honda accord v6 and the motor will turn over but it won't crank. Wat could it be?

I have 2000 honda accord v6 and the motor will turn over but it won't crank. Wat could it be?

Turn over but it won't crank? It like you speak but won't talk.

You mean the motor will crank (turn over) but will not start? How old is the battery? Might be weak.
Could be a lot of things. Check fuel pump fuse. Turn car to accessory position, with radio and cabin fan off, can you hear electric fuel pump turning on, may need friend to turn key while you in back seat, fold seats down. Might be fuel pump. Or put a pressure gauge on the fuel rail.
Clogged fuel filter, but probably not, usually will run real rough, but will start.
Could be loose alternator connection.
Crankshaft position sensor might be bad.
Air filter totally clogged?

If you mean it will crank but not turn over, then it could be a weak battery, or bad spark plugs, or maybe even a new fuel pump.