I have a 1989 Honda accord lx and hadn't started it in a couple years and it won't start I put gas in in

And also in the carburetor, and it won't start lol

You might have to do a lil checking on if its getting spark to the plugs… Getting fuel to carb… And you might want to use a lil starting fluid but be careful doin so

LOL! Puting gas in a car that hasn't ran in a couple of years and expecting it to start. Try a bit of starting fluid. The fuel pump may not even be working.

Ck. The firing to make sure you've got fire to the spark plugs, if you do, then pull the spark plugs and see what they look like, replace if necessary. Can you hear the fuel pump kick on when you turn on the key?

Yes i changed the spark plugs, carburetor and the fuel pump works fine i think but when i turn the key the car gets allot of action and won't start it almost did but didn't!