I have a 99 honda accord. My tire size is 205 65 R15 can i put a 215 60R15 tire on it to replace it?

I have a 99 honda accord. My tire size is 205 65 R15 can i put a 215 60R15 tire on it to replace it?

Better than driving on the rim but not a smart thing to do.

Yes, 215/60R15 is an acceptable alternative size for your '99 Accord.


The tire is slightly wider and slightly sorter. It would fit, but the odometer and speedometer would show slightly more miles than actually traveled.

The best place to learn tire switching sizes is at your friendly tire store… Go and ask…


See the link G posted.

BTW, the tires you have now are not original size anyway. It should have 195/65R15.

The 215/60 is a better match than what you have now, and will bring your gearing and speedo back to correct.