I need to replace the oxygen sensors on a 2007 Honda Accord-any suggestions as to what parts or/and labor cost?

I need to replace the oxygen sensors on a 2007 Honda Accord-any suggestions as to what parts or/and labor cost?

The lambda sensors are expensive items. The labour should be minimal as they are 'screw in' parts.

I have doubts you need to replace the oxygen sensors. They are getting sluggish after ten years but they should not be causing any trouble.

Nearly all the "need to replace O2 sensor" questions are triggered by OBDII codes that mention oxygen sensors, and of those nearly all of them are misunderstandings of what the codes mean. There are no codes that say an O2 sensor is bad, but lots about the O2 sensor circuitry or what the O2 sensors are reporting. Odds are very high you can spend $400 on replacing the sensors and still have the same problems. Interpreting OBDII codes is a job for a professional - shooting the messenger will not help.