Is Honda Accord A Good Car To Get?

Would you recommend a Honda Accord for a first time buyer

A lot depends on the year. If new, probably as good a bet as any. But starting in 1998 there have been more horrible Accords than good ones. Terrible automatic transmission failures from 18998-2004, crazy rapid brake wear from 2007 into 2008. They are so boring, but ard reliable. I had one. Hondas cost a lot more to maintain than say a chevy or a ford No No. I wouldn't recommend any Honda to ANYONE. Not even my worst enemy. Theyv been much better than average over the decades,

but don't buy anything w/o reading CR on it,
"Consumer Reports is a nonprofit, expert, independent organization" that tests a wide range of products and services in detail and publishes the results in a monthly mag avail @ many bookstores and website; fee for full access." class='ext_link'> title
xxx SURE Honda accordions a great car to own and drive and would be a good reliable buy for a first time buyer.

I would also suggest that you look at the civic as economical to run & hold its value

They are so boring, but ard reliable. I had one.

Hondas cost a lot more to maintain than say a chevy or a ford

No. I wouldn't recommend any Honda to ANYONE. Not even my worst enemy.

Theyv been much better than average over the decades,

but don't buy anything w/o reading CR on it,
"Consumer Reports is a nonprofit, expert, independent organization" that tests a wide range of products and services in detail and publishes the results in a monthly mag avail @ many bookstores and website; fee for full access. title


Honda accordions a great car to own and drive and would be a good reliable buy for a first time buyer.

I would also suggest that you look at the civic as economical to run & hold its value

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