My 2007 honda accord steering and ignition switch won't unlock?

The car steering wheel is locked to the passenger side

Most likely the Accord parked on an incline so you'll need another person to help you to do this simple task:

Let the person rock the vehicle gently forward and backward while you step on the brake and at the same time try to steer the steering wheel into left and right and try to turn the ignition key on. In some synchronization way when all motions are in place: Will release the "Steering locking" out of the position.

It's a simple one and it works most of the time, try it several times. Good luck and if it doesn't work, e mail me and I'll send to you the procedure how to repair the problem. HTH

If what hopelogic doesn't work you will probably have to get it towed and serviced. My dads car had the same thing happen to it although it was a 2003 odyysey

This happens in our Toyota and I wonder if the remedy we found for
our car will work on your Honda. With the car off, put both hands on the steering wheel and a foot on the brake. Rock the steering wheel to the Left and then turn it to the right… Rock the steering wheel, and pump your brakes at the same time. This unlocks the ignition and steering wheel.

Hold down the break pedal and turn the steering wheel