My 91 manual Honda Accord has a check engine light code of 43. Exhaust issue. And it does a jerking sometimes when accelerating. Ideas?

My 91 manual Honda Accord has a check engine light code of 43. Exhaust issue. And it does a jerking sometimes when accelerating. Ideas? - 1

Code 43 is often due to running too rich or could also be a variety of fuel system related issues… Clogged fuel filter, bad O2 sensor/wiring defects, valve adjustment, dirty air filter, etc. Change the filters if dirty and perhaps do a valve adjustment if due. Check O2 sensor readings/check for wiring damage before moving on to more expensive tests/repairs.

Flow chart of troubleshooting…

Hi simple conclusion it is now only fit to make beer cans. As it has done it's job exceeded the design life that honda intended of 8 years or 100 k miles. So is now a scrapper.

A check engine light tells you drive slowly to a dealer or mechanic.