My car cranks but won't start?
My Honda Accord 2001 doesn't wanna start up. At least I thought it was the battery, but it's still fairly new (only a few months old) and I brushed off the corrosion off of the cables. I'm not sure if it could be my spark plugs. I also haven't drove it in a while since I been waiting on parts to have it fixed, maybe a month or so since I drove it and there's still half a tank of gas in it. Is there anything I can do about it?
Check the spark plugs to see if they are working. The old method was to remove each plug and crank the engine. If you saw a spark and the gap was correct, then the plug was good. Of course you have to arrange things so that the plug will not ground out and destroy the battery and other stuff. Before you test the plugs, check them to make sure they are damp. If there's moisture, then it means fuel is getting through but not being ignited. This might be a safer way to see it the plugs are good.
You should also check the air filter and intake to make sure they are not clogged. If the vehicle has been sitting for a month, the local critters may have built a next in it.
Since it cranks easily we can exclude battery. Corrosion on cables to battery terminals can occur so if we need to brush corrosion away we likely have some hidden under connections. Apply something to stop this such as petroleum jelly, Vaseline etc.
Check for a spark at plugs. If no spark start investigation to resolve eg coil? Crank sensor? Etc a scan if fault codes being a possibility.
If we have spark? Do we have fuel? After a long standing time it's not uncommon for fuel to drain back and air bubbles etc to form in fuel sections preventing full fuel flow.
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