My car is slow cranking

I drive a 2007 Honda Accord. Something obviously keeps draining my battery. I fail to believe that Autozone has given me this many bad batteries. I've only had this battery for 2 weeks. This is my 4th battery this month. Every time i get it tested at AutoZone they tell me the battery is bad. I checked for about a whole week after getting this one and the battery was fine. So i stopped getting it checked so much. I went to a mechanic shop to get a parasitic drain test but they said that i should be fine and didn't want to take my money if nothing wasn't wrong with the battery at the time. It's been 20 degrees for 2 days and my engine is beginning to take longer and longer to start (Like all the other times i've noticed). I have nothing unusual hooked up to my battery. I have my amp and sub unplugged so thats taking no power whatsoever from it. I'm leaving no lights or nothing on. But something is pulling my battery and i don't know what. I will take it to the shop in the morning but does anybody have a clue of what could be going on?

Added (1). I also had my charge system checked and it all has tested good as well.

It could be the bad battys their giving you. I went to oReillys and they put 2 new ones in my pick up, neither would start it and they left me standing there w/o any way to get it started, had to get a customer to give me a jump, where i could go to interstate batty to get a GOOD one.

That one has been in there about 4 months now and NO problems out of it.

Time to go to another parts store.

A series of bad new batteries is unlikely. I once had the problem of the light inside the glove box not turning off when the door was closed. It took me months to figure it out, along with two batteries, two alternators and a voltage regulator replaced unnecessarily. So look for something like that - a light in the glove box, trunk or under the hood that might be staying on. It might be tough to do unless you can put the car in a completely dark garage.

In another car I owned, a brake light was staying on, but every night when I parked I never walked behind my car so didn't see it until my neighbor pointed it out one day. This was summer when it stayed light late into the evening, so it wasn't readily apparent where it might have been seen after dark, but it was always lighht out when I got home when this problem was happening. It was a sticking brake light switch.

Of course, there may be something else besides a light. If you have a multimeter, you can easily check to see if there's a drain on the battery with the car off, and how many amps it is. Knowing the amount of current drain in amps could help you identify which device having that same current rating, or close to it. Looking at the fuses in your panel can tell you the maximum load on any circuit, so if the current drain is above a certain amount, you know what circuits it can't be, or vice-versa. If it's a high draw, you know it can't be a low current item.

Don't discount the possibility that even though your amplifier is disconnected that when it was wired something in the wiring in your car got changed. If there's a remote, have you disconnected that too? Did you remove the fuse from the power wire to the amp? Are you sure the radio / head unit is completely off and not in some sort of standby mode?

There's another possibility, which could be the starter itself. I once had a starter with a bad solenoid that kept drawing a little bit of current even after the starter was disengaged. That was another tough diagnosis I wouldn't have thought of until someone mentioned it as a possibility. It required disconnecting the wires to the starter and then checking the battery for a current drain.

Could be a faulty alternator or starter motor

Here's a test you can do. Take the positive or negative cable off. Use a tail lamp, 1156 or similar, and put the tip on the battery terminal. Touch the outer case of the bulb with the battery cable. What you are doing is putting the filament in series with the battery. If there's a small, faint, or no glow, your car is fine. If it glows bright, you have a major draw. You will have to pull fuses until you find what circuit is causing it. Maybe the trunk light is staying on.

Check all the fuses. If the charging system fuse pops, you can't charge the battery from the alternator. You have an amp and the charging system and battery can't supply its demands, there will be failure. Power doesn't come from nowhere.

Have the alternator tested. One of the 3 diodes may be bad and that way the battery only gets a surface charge and isn't enough of a charge for in this cold weather. You should have at least 13.7 volts at the battery posts with the motor at 1200 rpm.

You need to purchase a 5 dollar VOLT meter from harbor freight tools. Then measure the voltage of the battery before starting the car. It should be around 12.1 to maybe 12.9 volts. Then after you start the car… The voltage should not go above about 13.5 or 14 volts. If the voltage goes way high… Then your alternator is CRANKING OUT MAXIMUM VOLTAGE and that is the problem. I have seen this before. Too much voltage will kill the battery. It could also cause lights to burn out and other electronics things to burn out.

Sneak out at 2am and see if you can see or hear something going that should not be going

You said they're supposed to chase us in my question "help why does he do this" do you think he likes me still?

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