Will my car make this short road trip?

Hi, I don't know much about cars, and was wondering if my 2005 Honda Accord is safe to take on a 50 mile road trip.

I've got 200,000 + miles on it, and batteries been dead and changed before, as for oil and such and such.

Sorry if this is very vague, I'm not very car-savvy.

How come while I'm driving my 1996 Honda Accord the speedometer and radio will power surge?

Speedometer will be steady then quickly fall to about 10 mph then quickly shoot back up to the correct speed. At the exact same time the car radio will shut turn off and come right back on.
Car doesn't have any lose of steering or control. No problems starting either.

I've have the ignition switch replaced within the past two years.
I also think my alternator is within 3-4 years old.
Car has recently had other electrical problems such as the speedomter failing completely and being stuck at zero. Which I have had my shop replace within the past 3 months. Also my window switch broke around the same time.
So is there a likely cause for this? And could the old problems be related to this?

Added (1). power surge may be the wrong term. I just mean the speedometer and radio on and working perfectly but then suddenly turning off then right back on

I want to buy a durable car?

I love Hondas; I've always driven a honda. But recently I've been accident prone, and so I'm looking for a car that is durable. Where honda engines last FOREVER, the body isn't very durable. I've paid out so much in fixing body damage in my accord because it crushes like a tin can. Like one small tap and I have to replace a whole quarter panel. So I really would like some opinions on a car that won't crush so easily. It has to be a car though, I have anxiety really badly and it's worse when driving trucks and SUVs, I guess because they are higher off the ground. Please any opinions will be much appreciated.

Paid $4k down payment but it is not subtracted from payoff price?

I bought a 2015 Honda Accord recently.
I got the bill today the payoff amount was $30k. But I put $4k down payment so I can get lower interest rate.

The car is financed for 6 years and they told me it would be more than $4k in interests.
So I would like to know should that 4 thousand dollars be subtracted from the total price?

How much money will i be spending a week for gas?

I own a 2003 honda accord v6 and It takes 17.1 gallons of gas. I literally drive 31.8 miles a day (home/work) and only use my car 5 days a week. Where i usually put gas it's currently $2.69 per gallon. How much on gas will i be spending for those 5 days?

Am I paying too much for Car Insurance?

I'm a 24 year old that got a speeding ticket in 2013.
I just bought a 2008 Chrysler 300 and I'm paying $900 every 6 months for Insurance.

What do you think? Good deal bad deal?

Would trading that car in for another car around the same age, like an 08 Honda Accord or Civic be cheaper or about the same?

Just wondering thanks.

How to put freeon in a Honda Accord?

My a.c in my car use to work just fine really cold a.c but now its throwing out hot air. I have a 1990 honda accord. How do i put the freeon or what type should i buy for my car? It would be very helpfull if you guys would post an image if possible to get a better look at where i should put it on. I have no clue how to do this and i live in florida its too hot to just drive with the windows open.