What could be wrong with my car?

I recently purchased in 1997 Honda Accord four-cylinder. The problem I have is a electrical problem. When it's off I'll have to jumpstart my battery. I bought a new battery because I thought that was the problem then, I was told it was the alternator so I went get my alternator tested the alternator tested fine. Everytime when I accelerate the battery light come on sometimes the needles on the speedometer flicker and just completely stop working. I check the battery connectors. Those are fine so What could be the problem?

Can I afford a $15,000 car if I make $2,000+ a month and have a decent credit report?

According to Credit Karma, my credit score is a 736. I also make around $2,000+ a month depending on how many shifts I pick up from working 2 part time jobs. I'm current looking at 2 different cars at my local dealer that I'm interested in and can't decide which one I want, or if I can even afford either. One car is a 2014 Honda Civic 4 door manual with 5,423 miles and it's going for $15,494. The other is a 2014 Honda Civic 2 door automatic with 11,826 miles and it's going for $15,991.

I've done a little research and I've been trying to build up my credit for the last year. I have no debt and I'm just looking for a newish car to replace the one I've been driving for the past 8 years. I plan on putting $5,000 down on whichever car I end up choosing, but I want to make sure I'm making the right decision.

What is my cars problem?

I have a 1997 4 cylinder automatic Honda Accord with a v tech engine. I have a new water pump, new spark plugs, new starter, new battery, new IAC valve, cleaned the throttle body, checked the fuel pump… And it's still just cranking and won't turn over. A few days ago it was jumped and ran about 10 miles until I went home and turned it off. After that it wouldn't start again so I thought it was the battery but now it's brand new and still won't start on its own! What could be the fudgin problem?!

Horn, Srs light, and cruise control on 02 Honda Accord?

My 02 Honda Accord has a recall on it for the airbags, so I'm taking it in for it to be fixed in 2 days. But also my srs light is on, my horn no longer works, neither my cruise control. It all happened at the same time. When they fix it for the recall should the light go off and all that work again?

Where is a very good place to tint my windows?

Its a honda accord 2012 and i need my windows tinted as soon as possible. I don't know where tho i have checked online but some places have bad reviews and that scares me becaue i don't want my car to get damaged. It was to be in the NY area o NJ but not to far from NYC.

Is the license plate bracket on the front of Honda accord sdn sport 13-14 drilled in?

I really love the quality and look of the current Honda accord sedan models and I'm planning on buying the 2013 or the 2014 sport model. The only problem is that I can't seem to find one that doesn't already have the license plate bracket installed on the front. Is the bracket drilled or can i just remove it myself and not have to fill in any hole?