Is Honda Accord A Good Car To Get?
Would you recommend a Honda Accord for a first time buyer
Would you recommend a Honda Accord for a first time buyer
I have a 95 Honda accord I bought coilovers already but my accord has 18inch rims with some pretty big tires an I don't wanna rub l
What size tire should I go before I slap my coils on.
I have a 95 honda accord v6. My power steering belt, alternator belt, and ac belt came off while I was driving. Was wondering the cost to put the belts back on or replace them? Also how much it usually cost to replace my harmonic balancer?
After how many miles should I get an oil change for my car?2004 Honda Accord sedan with 194,000 miles?
I bought my 2007 honda accord 4 cylinder used a little over a year ago and have had no problems since yesterday. I parked my car on Wednesday and didn't attempt to drive it again until Friday. When I did, the car would not start at all. No lights when I turn the key, horn won't work, no click sound, nothing. Also the break pedal is very stiff when I try to push it down. I tried to get a jump from a neighbor but with no success. What could be the issue?
Removing the seat seems very difficult.
I have a 98 Honda Accord LX 2.3 L Automatic 4 cylinder
When I start her up in the mornings her idle is horrible, the whole car shakes and there's audible rattling, the dashboard lights fluctuate from dimmer to regular, the battery light comes on and the car dies on me. I then start it up and it does it again. After 15 or so minutes, the idle problems goes away as the car heats and I don't have to worry about it until the next day.
The problem only occurs when my foot is NOT on the gas. It also occurs when I apply the brakes. ( I tested it, the car idled fine in my driveway, but the second I applied the brakes it shook and cut off). But it doesn't only happen when I apply the brakes, it just happens when the car at resting rpm.
It will drive like a champion forever, but when I pull up to a light or stop sign, the shaking begins and I have to put it in neutral and rev the gas to prevent the problem. Otherwise the car will shut off and I have to restart again.
I'm told it may be many things, either Idle air control (had a mechanic fix the IAC harness), vacuum leak, fuel filter, fuel pump, air in the cooling system, ignition switch, or the Main relay PGM.
Please help, this problem is extremely sporadic and only happens at random times, never consistently so I'm never able to show a mechanic the problem because it never occurs when they test it out.
I recently bought a Honda accord 1997. The car turned on it ran a test drive that and everything was great now when I turned it off I have bought the car ready the guy left that I bought it from. I try to turn the car back on. It didn't even turn over not even clicking so I figured I needed a jump and then I got a jump and then it died again. So I figured I needed a new battery so I bought a new battery put it in and the car runs fine but now the problem is, when I accelerate the battery light turns on why would my battery light turn on?
Either I'm gonna buy Honda or a Toyota, because according to my mechanic those cars are built to last and easy to find parts of you need repair.
I need an expert opinion, Honda or Toyota which one is better, fuel economy wise and price wise?
Any mechanics or people with experience driving those two cars please help!
I'm gonna by a new one, which is better to drive and what not, please be detailed with your answer
Added (1). Also I've heard Hondas and toyotas get stolen? Or is it only the older ones that get stolen?
I have this car in mind and it is a 2014 Honda Accord Sport. It has ZERO modifications on it and it looks the same like if it came out of a store. Would I still be considered a ricer if I get this car and make no modifications on it?