Steering column replacement 05 Honda accord?
Steering column replacement 05 Honda accord? - 1
Steering column replacement 05 Honda accord? - 1
I have a 2000 Honda Accord and I want to add a wing to it, but I don't like the wings that were for the 2000 Honda Accords. I prefer to wings for the 2001-2002 Honda Accord. Will those wings look right on my car and will people be able to tell the difference?
Is the transmission the same in a 2.3 Honda and a 3.0 Honda accord?
Ok, it shut down while driving. I was able to start it back up and has been fine since. I checked gas cap and the engine light went off but has since come back on. I know I should take it in, but thought I would ask maybe someone knows something to do now. This happened yesterday.
I have a 2003 Honda accord ex 2.4L about 212,000 miles on it and it has always worked fine. Except for a little rough idling and surging or hesitation every a couple of times.
The car was working fine yesterday and today it doesn't want to start. I have checked fuel, compression and sparks they are all good. The battery is also good.
after I pulled some codes on it this is what I got.
I also got this
cat conve mon INC
Oxy sens heat INC
Oxy mon INC, and
evap Mon INC
Please help? I don't know why it doesn't want to start
It has 110,000 mi on it. I'm afraid the car will shut down on the highway
I want to sell my 2010 Honda Accord. Somebody hit and run my car while it was parked back in February. They did about $6,000 in damage to the rear driver s side of the car; however I got it completely repaired. Will this affect the value of my car significantly if I try to sell?
It doesn't make this noise on every start/turn over. But the car does start every time. Sounds like a scraping/screeching noise to me. This noise started right after I had a new starter put in.
Any ideas? Where should I go from here? Is it serious?
I have a bearing and hub unit that I want to replace I know as far as getting the steering knuckle out. How hard is it t get the bolts off and separate from the knuckle to replace? Should I wait for a day when I can bring it to a shop to separate it? Also I know the bots on the ball joints probably r cracked for sure what i see and maybe damaged from taking the suspension apart with my tie rod separator. Should I order new ball joints ect. So I can replace to? I alo have a warranty from Autozone on the ball joints. Should I get duralast again or order moog from rock auto? There are no sign the ball joints are really bad except the boot is already cracked, replaced probably 2 years ago. Maybe earlier.
Hi, I have a 2005 Honda Accord 5-speed manual coupe. The car has about 157,000 miles. The car drives fine except sometimes the gears grind. This only happens in two instances. One instance is when the car is rolling very slowly (about 5 mph) and if I try to shift into first, the gears will grind. The only way for me to get into first without grinding in this situation is by pushing it into first quickly and with a slight amount of force or just waiting for the car to come to a complete stop, which isn't always possible. The second instance of the gears grinding is if I'm in high rpms for 2nd gear and I shift into third or if I shift into third too quickly regardless of rpms. The gears will grind unless I wait a second or two between the shift. This only happens going into third gear. My friend who is a mechanic suggested that my synchros were going out and that I might as well buy an entire new transmission. Two other friends of mine who aren't official mechanics said that my car needs a new clutch. I personally agree more with the synchros going out. So:
What do you think the problem is?
What is my best course of action?
Approximately how much will it cost?
Added (1). I forgot to mention this but I always make sure that I push the clutch all the way to the floor.