Is non ethanol gas good for my 2000 honda accord?
Is non ethanol gas good for my 2000 honda accord? - 1
Is non ethanol gas good for my 2000 honda accord? - 1
Okay so I have an eighty eight Oldsmobile that needs all the paper work done and needs some micanical work done that will equal to about 500$ but my friend wants to sell me his 98 Honda Accord that needs a new paint job(800$) and he wants me to pay 1300 for it so that 2100 all todmgether what should I do
My fiancé and I want to road trip from New Orleans to Los Angeles and back. He said he'd like to stop in the Grand Canyon and we have family in Los Angeles to stay with so we'd need to stay in a hotel maybe 2 nights total? For food, gas, hotel, etc what would be a good price? I drive a Honda Accord so it's great on gas. Just a rough estimate would be nice
What is the value of a 2008 Honda Accord, excellant condition, white four door, leather seats, 103k miles?
Especially, for long back and forth work commutes? And why?
A. Pontiac Vibe 2005-2009
B. Honda Accord 2004-2009
C. Hyundai Elantra 2007-2010
D. Hyundai Sonata 2007 - 2011
E. Mazda 3
It's a 2001 silver Honda Accord 117,000 miles, it's a 4 cylinder which is good on gas and in good shape. It's for $3500.
We've had a LOT of rainy weather the past 8 weeks and my 2008 Honda Accord has developed a funky smell. I realize it's possible that there's mildew or mold now growing somewhere in my car, but I've been unable to locate the source. I've checked the spare tire area in the trunk and nothing is there. Also there have been no leaks inside my car- the carpet hasn't been wet. I don't smell the musty smell when I'm turning on my AC so I don't think it could be caused by my cabin air filter. We've had a week of dry sunny weather now and the stink is still present when I get in my car. What can I do? Where is this smell coming from? Anyone w an 08 accord that has had similar issues?
Which is a better looking honda accord 2012 or 2013 model? - 1
I'm considering a Honda Accord, civic si, or Subaru Legacy to commute but really like the awd feature and looks of the BMW… Are they good vehicles for college?
Just sold my mustang and am looking for something to replace it. I need something reliable, holds resale value and if at all possible, fun to drive.
I love the look of the accord, but don't know if they are as fun as the civic si?
I'm about 6 foot 3 but I can fit in the si comfortably.
What do you guys think? I was originally going to buy a beater car but I have a 40 mile commute to school and a 60 mile commute to work, and didn't want to run the risk of breaking down