Should I Buy a 2004 Honda Accord?

I'm a college student and I've had nothing but trouble with my first car and I'm finally at a enough money to start looking for a newer used car, I have my heart set on Honda because of the reliability Honda carries with its name. I found one locally that's privately owned it's a 2004 Honda EXL V6 fully loaded, it has 166,000 miles on it. The owner says that it's been salvaged and I asked him why he told me that the salvaged was on the car when he bought it in 2004 and nothing has ever shown apparently he doesn't know why. My father is going to bring it to our mechanic which he's close friends with to check it out. The owner wants $3200 for it but I don't think I'm going to pay anymore than $2600. Can anyone please give me some tips/thoughts on buying this vehicle? I need something that's going to last me with minor repairs for at least 2-3 years thank you.

What's wrong with my 94 Honda accord ex coupe?

Okay so when I turn on the ignition, the car squeaks a little bit and that's it, it sounds normal. It happens every time. Sometimes when I turn on the ignition the car won't start, it will just stay silent, it doesn't make a sound.Finally, when i start the car, the temperature reads cold and it stays that way for about 5 minutes on my drive. Would that be a problem to be driving below the middle of the odometer?

Car compression issues valve 3 and 4?

I took my 2000 Honda Accord to a mechanic and they called back asking when the timing belt was changed and I said I don't know because I bought it as a used car recently and they said it could be a blown head gasket because they did a compression test and valve 3 and 4 ( or there were issues when switching from gear three to four )have issues. I don't really speak car so can someone explain what are valves, how does this all correlate.

Why did my 1994 Honda Accord stop running while driving?

Today I was driving my 94 Honda Accord and as I was doing so I noticed my car was slowing down without me taking my foot off of the pedal. I tried to accelerate but that did nothing. Then my steering wheel started to get hard to turn so luckily I was right next to a parking lot and got it rolled in and parked safe. I tried to jump it and did not work.

Why does my honda turn off at the light?

So this happened twice already.
1st time was last month. I had just turned on my car and right as i drove away at the stop sign it turned off. I pressed the brake it was super hard, sterjng wheel was locked and i couldnt switch geers. I turned it back on right away. The radio was still playing tho.
and today after a few minites of driving at the light it turnes off again. But this time the brakes were not hard and the steering wheel was not locked and radio still on and i was able to get it started right away too this time.

i had just bought a new battery and don't thjnk it could be that cuz the radio was still on. I'm worried it could be that the car gets too hot cuz my car hood ia cracked open a bit.

if not then what could this be! Please help.
i have a 92 honda accord about 220,000 miles. I've owned for more than 3 years and this is the first issue i've had wirh it.

a few other deatils that might help is that my gas gauge is broken. Ac don't work. Car heat thing stays stuck in the middle.

Wrong power steering fluid in Honda?

I recently had some work done to my 2003 honda accord v6. When I left the mechanics I noticed it was really difficult to turn the wheel. I called the mechanic and he said one of his guys put the wrong steering fluid in the car. Will this cause excessive damage? They are going to pump out the wrong fluid and refill it with the correct one.

What's the most I could get for my used Honda Accord?

I'm going to bet not much.

It's an '03, with about 180,000 miles. The top layer of paint has come off in several places… It's not pretty to look at, to say the least. But it still runs fine and it's been an amazing car. What else comes into play here? I'm just toying with the idea of trading it in/selling it.