2008 Honda Accord or 2009 Hyundai Sonata?

I'm selling my old used car, and picking up a newer used car. I wanted some advice since I'm not a car expert. I've narrowed it down to 2 cars.

Car 1: 2008 Honda Accord, 90,000 miles

Car 2: 2009 Hyundai Sonata, 50,000 miles

Both cars are selling for 9,500, so price is not an issue. Any suggestions from car owners or experts?

How to activate 95 honda accord alarm?

I have a 1995 honda accord and my alarm system was working but suddenly it deactivated. It used to lock by itself after 20 seconds of being out of the car and suddenly it just disarmed and i don't know how to activate the alarm. Any suggestions on how to arm it again?

95 honda accord overheating?

So my car is overheating and sending water back to reservoir. I bleed out the air and water boils. Can I have a blown head gasket or is it the radiator cap or thermostat?

Can I afford a brand new car with a budget of $7000?

My budget is $7000 and I own a1999 Honda Accord that still reliable expect for repairs that come up here and there.Other than that I'm happy with the car and I'm hoping its going to last me another few yeara. However I have been thinking about buying a new car allot. Can I afford it? Should I just stick to my car?

What is wrong with my 1999 Honda Accord EX?

What is wrong with my 1999 Honda Accord EX?

Added (1). I have the Accord EX 2-door with a 3.0 VTEC engine.

2 months ago, this problem happened and I took it to Tunex. They couldn't find anything wrong.

The problem has come back and here it is:

(see Answer below)