2004 honda accord brakes?

Hey so I need to replace my rotars and brake pads in my honda and was told to use oem (manufacturer made) from honda. I saw a couple of places to find them but not sure if they're legit or what ones I exactly need. If anyone could point me in the right direction that would be awesome! Step by step directions if possible.

How to get a low pitch exhaust system?

I have a 1994 Honda accord and the exhaust on it sounds as if I'm driving by in a sports bike I hate it. It's my first 4 cylinder I bought it to save gas but I there any muffler I can buy to lower the pitch and quiet it down? It already has headers 4-2-1 but I just want a low quite pitch instead of a loud annoying exhaust. I've always put dual flow masters on all my v8's but can you put a flow master on a 4 banger and if so will it sound good or is there a specific one to use?

Should I buy this Honda Accord?

It's a 2004 Honda accord with 200k on the body. They engine was replaced at 190k and the seller has the documents to prove that the work was done. The clutch was also replaced at the same time. He says he has always been up to date with oil changes and repairs. I'm 17 and just got my license so it's only for a first car. He is asking 3,000 but I got it down to 2,700. Should I purchase this car?

Gallon of gas burned per hour during idling?

When you idle the car, does the engine specifications determine how much gas burned per hour? Do newer or older cars burn more gas idling? Does the engine horsepower determine how much gas you burn when the car is idling? How much gallons/hour do you think a 1989 honda accord lxi burns? What is the average gallons/hour older cars burn versus newer cars (after 2000). Do cars that burn more gas when idling also burn more gas when driving and do cars that burn less gas when idling also burn less gas when idling? Does the MPG of the car determine how much car it will burn when idling?

Luxury cars with easy maintenance?

I"ll be getting my license soon and I will be getting a car right away. My dad has a Honda accord, and it's nice but he also wants a luxury car. We agreed that he will pay for part of my first car which will be a nice car but he can use it whenever he wants. So that being said what is a good luxury car that's under 50,000 unless the used version is around 50,000. The biggest issue isn't the money but the mpg and the maintenance. We like the Range Rover sport but I heard it's not easy maintenance and I know mph isn't great. The Mercedes c-class or something like that was also good but i believe it's expensive to maintain. Any ideas on cars and please don't say your first car shouldn't be a luxury cause most of the time I'll be driving the Honda accord.

Which one of these cars would be best for me?

A 1996 Infiniti i30 or a 1991 Honda Accord coupe. They are both automatics. I currently own the Infiniti, but thinking of doing a trade for the Accord. I've never owned an Accord, but I'm sick and tired of putting in Premium gas. This thing also kills me in gas when I drive in town. I hear so many good things about these cars. What do you think?