Does this sound like a transmission issue?

Ihave an automatic 2.3 4 cylinder 1998 honda accord. While driving on the highway car was going 65 till the rpms started going really high randomly and i have no idea what to do

It kept doing that. If its the transmission does that thing at advanced auto part transmission fix work temporary? The car shifts fine. From park to reverse it moves good but i don't know What to do

2012 Honda Accord Odometer has no mileage display?

When my 2012 Honda Accord Odometer displays Service A 1 -26 where -26 was flashing, then I replaced the old filter and motor oil. Then I reset the Odometer, now it is showing Oillife% 100 in the right side of the odometer, there's no mileage showing. It can show trip A, trip B, and Oillife% 100. How can I get back main mileage display instead of showing Oillife% 100?

2001 honda accord factory ac?

My wife turns the ac on and off at every stop trying to protect the engine from wear and over heating is it necessary to do so? She turns it off when not moving then turns it back on as we start going again.

Honda Accord (2003-2005) or honda civic?(2003-2005)?

I'm debating a honda civic or accord for my 16 year old son and was wondering which one is better for a first timer. Please list the good things about both the cars I wanna make sure my son is with a reliable good first time car. Thank you.

Added (1). the good and bad about the cars*

Speed senior or bad transmission?

1998 Honda accord 2.3 automatic transmission 4 cylinder

Car shakes a bit and the car would go to 60mph for awhile before the rpms randomly jump high to 5-6000 and id have to let go of the gas and continuously doing it. Then when it is at 20mph it won't go faster than that and the rpms are still going high, transmission has fluid and it looks good. But i'm betting its a transmission issue but i'm clinging on hope its a speed sensor

When i was passing a speedometer on the high way it read my cars speed erratically from 57, 89, 5, 48. No car was behind me and my speedometer said i was going 25 and my speedometer is 5mph less than what i go

Transmission or speed sensor? I truly hope its the speed sensor. It only costs 8$ and i onlyhave 40 in my account. I'm broke and been on the shoulder on the highway since 2am. I've been crying my eyes out. I have no one to cal and i don't have AAA.

What is wrong with my 1998 Honda Accord?

Its a 4 cylinder not a V6.
While driving on the highway going 65 the car randomly hit the RPMS to 7000-8000 red line and then went back down then went back up. Obviously i had to take the foot off the gas.

Then it wouldn't acceleratw past 40 then youd hear clunks and the car pushing forward a bit. I had to turn the car off and on so it wouldn't do it as much
What do I do? I'm 150 miles away from my house and don't have AAA.

If its thetransmission sslippin What can i do? I'm alone and scared. Its 2am and i'm broke.

Do I have an oil leak? And where is it going?

I have a 2003 Honda Accord and recently my oil light will come on very often to the point where I was buying 4 quarts every two weeks. My starter locked up and I got it chnged and for a while I didn't have the oil problem again until today I checked my oil stick and it was bone dry. What do I do? Do I have a leak? I don't have a lot of extra money to throw at this.

Honda accord 2001 seconds delay in acceleration at low speeds?

I have a 2001 accord ex coupe with 145000 miles on it the car has a acceleration problemas When pressin on the gas too fast it feels like the car has a second delay for gas but it doesn't affect acceleration if i do press on the gas pedal slowly it doesn't do it, also i hear a tickin sound coming from underneath the car like on the middle of both rear tires. If anyone can help i would appreciate it also the car does that delay at slow speeds once i hit 45 doesn't really do it well sometimes is rare if it does what could it be?
I changed the spark wires, spark plugs, oil change, transmission fluid. A friend of mine said his jetta did the same thing and it ended up being some hoses connected to the fuel pump. As I said it drives and shifts smooth