What's a Nice car under $16,000?

I Inherited a lot of money from my family member that passed and I could spend more, but I have decided the most I will spend is $16,000. I'm 16 and this is my first car (I have driven my moms a lot for a year with experience)

I know I SHOULD get a car like a cheap honda accord or something I can beat up, but where I live there's not a lot of traffic and all that so I want to get somewhat of a nice car but it can't be TOO high on insurance.

How would an Infiniti 2008 G37 be?

Or a 2009 ACURA TSX?

Added (1). A car that has leather seats is preferred.

Cost estimate to repair body & paint?

I have Honda accord 1997 & was involved in accident whereby area above passenger wheel was damaged and right side indicator light was broken.
Can some one give me estimate pl.

Why is my 1994 honda accord running rich?

It has new air filter and plugs. Car drives fine and has good pickup. Only code I get is for the egr valve but no other codes. What could it be if their are no codes? It's the ex manual.

1997 honda Accord Radio Issues?

I have a 1997 honda Accord ex and the radio does not work what so ever no static no nothing. I know the antenna is intergraded into the rear window but in not sure if that's the problem or what. Any trouble shooting tips much appreciated thanks

Why is my 1994 Honda accord getting bad mileage?

I had a bad ecu I changed it car runs good now but mileage is still bad my est is about 10mpg in city. Car drove about 130 miles on 3/4 tank all city driving. The only code I have is for the egr valve. Tailpipe smells bad too so it's running rich but why are their no codes?

Honda accord liklihood in accident?

I need to find liklihood it will be involved in accident. Where do I find info of how many honda accords had accidents in a certain year and how many we're sold that year where do I get info about this wat websites and stuff?

Am I wrong for hiding my wealth from women?

I live in a 1.2mm penthouse and drive a 2013 Mercedes s63amg. Also still have my 2000 honda accord that i use for dating only. Is this wrong to hide my wealth with females or will it cause problems in a serious relationship? Only been living this good for about a year.