Car won't start new battery?

I have a honda accord and I just got a brand new battery put in, new spark plugs, new spark plug wires and car was starting fine until I try to drive it out of my drive way and turned the blinker on and it just shut off no noise or anything just done. Had to push it back up the driveway now none if the light come on or anything, there's nothing when I turn the key…

99 honda accord won't start?

I have a 99 honda accord, its been having some issues where it wouldn't start, the lights, ac, radio comes on just not the engine. My dads mechanic friend changed the starter for me and it worked for a while, then the car started to not start on the first turn of the key. I would have to turn it a few times before the engine would actually start. And now I'm back to square one, i turn the key and everything but the engine turns on. Is it the starter solenoid?

My car (Honda Accord 2000) does not start after 2 months?

My car has been sitting for about 2 months and now it does not start. My car's battery is older than 2 years, but 2 months ago it used to work perfectly fine. All the lights turn on and I could see the timing belt turn slowly but the car does not start. I also tried boosting with two different cars twice, but with no avail. Could it be a battery problem? Is it a bad starter, fuel pump or bad alternator?

By the way, I have little to no knowledge about cars, but I'm an electronics technician, if that helps.

Car Won't Start? Just ran it earlier?

1994 Honda Accord LX

Hey all. I went out to pull my car out of the drive for someone and it would not start at all. I thought this was especially strange because I had just drove home not even eight hours earlier. The gas gauge was almost on empty so I even ran to the gas station and put two more gallons in it. I also had my oil changed about two weeks ago. I even tried getting it jumped and that didn't seem to help either.

When trying to start it, all of the lights come on, dash lights up, chime from the door being open starts up, I can hear the little click it makes after i turn the key. But when i actually try to start up the car it sounds like its having a hard time starting, as if something was clogging the fuel line or i don't know. Lol I have no idea what could be wrong with it. Any and all help is appreciated.

Added (1). I Change my mind about the whole fule line clogged thing. It does sounds like something is preventing it from starting tho.

Any ideas on what could be wrong with my car?

I have a 2000 Honda Accord Lx. It had been squeeking when id stop a couple months ago. The noise was horrible. I thought it was maybe the brakes so i was going to get new ones, then i took it to get a car wash one day and after the car wash everything was absolutly fine. The noise just stopped. Well now the noise is back. It squeeks when i stop sometimes but especially when i brake and turn at the same time. I've noticed its worse when i turn the wheel. No idea if this means maybe brakes? Or what. I checked power steering fluid and it was normal. Any ideas on what it could be or why the noise stopped after taking it for a car wash the first time?

Honda grom 125 cc a good buy?

I'm looking for a reliable commuter. It has scooter gasmilage and price but is a motorcycle with a manual 4 speed instead of a CVT which is a huge plus imo. However the engine is air cooled not liquid. Will this be a reliable commuter? It has a 1 year unltd milage warrenty but I would hope it to last me quite a few years. Most quality scoots that are properly taken care of can easily hit 50k miles could I reasonably expect this out of this 125 cc grom? Most driving would be open highway (45-50) with some stop and go city traffic when I go to orlando. But 90% will be aprox 45. Bike hits 60-65 stock according to most reviews. Reliability is very important to me. This also fits well within my 4k budget.

2009 honda accord radio code?

My battery went dead and I'm hearing about a code, but I'm also hearing it should ask for a code or give an error as soon as I turn the radio on.I'm getting nothing. My problem isn't that it's not working, it's only working when it wants to.sounds like it on AM I turn it off because it aggravating then out of the blue I'll turn it on and it's working good.I'm at loss here.confused on why. But it's get worse as time goes by I heard static more and more lately.again I get no errors or enter code on display.simple 2009 accord 2.4L

My neighbor left a strange note, what should I say to her?

She wrote a note saying that when I turn my sprinklers on for all of ten minutes, every other day, at 5 a.m. That the wind blows and it gets her car dirty. Not that it matters but she drives a 1988 Honda Accord with both bumpers held together with duct tape. She's super religious and says that she prays nothing happens to my sprinkler system. Like really? How do I respond to that? Do I even need to address it?