Electrical problems in my 97 Honda Accord?

(this all over a course of a week) first thing that happened was that my battery indicator turned on, next thing was that sometimes my car wouldn't start, would take a few turns for it to finally start up. When I would turn on my A/C car would idle at 0rpm (Or at least what the gauge said) and when I would turn my turning blinker on, it would jump between 0-1000 (0 when the light would flash) right after that, all of my guages stopped working in my car. RPM/Speedometer/Heat/cool engine. They all sat at 0, even when I was driving on the highway. Out of instinct I parked my car in a parking lot thinking that my car was going to die on the highway.Let it sit for about 5-10 minutes. Try starting it up, it would click, but the car wouldn't make a noise. Was wondering if anyone would have an idea of what this could be. Thank you!

Added (1). The car wouldn't start^

I have a Honda Accord 1999?

I bought freon for my Honda Accord 1999 and I put the freon to the limit it was supposed to be and I turned on the a/c there was a hissing sound but only when the car was at a red light or stop sign I the car is moving the hissing sound goes away what can it be?

Do driving examiners judge the test takers?

So the other day I have failed my driving test for the second time. I have taken 23 lessons and have done over 50 hours of driving with my parents. On my first test, I failed because of my fault (I repeatedly didn't look in the mirrors) . I have had my second attempt two days ago and this time I ended up with only 3 minors and a serious fault. The serious fault was the following. I was driving on a busy road behind a commercial van, and I saw the warning lights come on on the back of the van so I eased off the accelerator. The van wasn't braking gradually but instead it left braking for the last few meters. So as soon as I saw the brake lights come on, I was braking too, but the examiner says that I was braking too hard ( I was braking at the same rate as the van) and says that the car behind me COULD have crashed into me, causing a collision. I just don't understand why he had to fail me just because the driving behind me wasn't keeping the following distance. I'm NOT COMPLAINING AGAINST THE EXAMINER. I respect their experience but both me and my instructor's feelings is that maybe they judged be based on my nationality and the car I showed up to the test with. I own a 2L Honda accord and I think that as a 17year old boy they think that I may be a liability on the road. One of my family members died in a car accident so I'm not the speeding type of guy. Do I stand a better chance if I take my instructor's car? Will they look at me differently?

I paid 1000.00 for factory maintenance at autonation honda. What should be done on my 08 4dr accord 4cyl?

Took my 08 accord sedan to autonation in at roseville automall to have the 110,000 mile service done and the charged me $997.00. Alls they did was change oil, 2 air filters, spark plugs, serpentine belt. Is this right? The service advisor said the timing belt is now called a serpentine belt is this true. When I had all my brakes done last year I skipped the factory maintenance because it was too close to needing the next service and the guy told me at the 110,000 mi service they do everything timing belt, water pump, exchance fliuds, check belts n hoses, oil change, tune up.

Female Name for my first car?

I have a 1997 Honda Accord and I'm trying to pick a name for it.

I'm thinking of Hannah for Honda, like Hannah the Honda lol. Can you guys try to give me some name ideas?

What is a fair asking price for my car?

I own a 2004 Honda Accord EX-L 4 cyl and it has 220,100 miles, it runs like it doesn't even have that kind of mileage on it. I want to trade it in for an 07 Accord EX-L V6 with Navi and its a standard transmission with 71k miles. How much should i ask for MY car and how much should the other car be priced at? I don't want them to finance me for more than what the car is worth, i just want to pay the difference

I have a 1994 Honda accord that has some issues?

I have a 1994 Honda accord that has some issues?

Added (1). The car will only accelerate to 4k rpm in any gear then engine acts like its redlining. Is this because the vtec is not working? I heard the filter on the solenoid, could be dirty and the oil in the car when i got it was old. Has new oil now. How do i clean it? Also the car will idle up and down then drop back to normal idle and continue doing it randomly. I cleaned the IAC already it was very dirty. Has new o2 sensor.

2006 Honda Accord V6 slipping at red lights and stop signs, what's the problem?

Occasionally when I drive stop at a stop sign or light, or behind a car at one, the engine will rev at the press of the gas pedal but the car will not accelerate. Occasionally it will catch after a second if I press the gas slowly, but often I have to put the car into Park and then back into Drive in order to accelerate again. If the light is long enough, I inch forward by letting up the break to check if it will slip. When the car doesn't inch forward, I know I have a problem, and proceed to put the car into Park and then drive. The check engine light is not on and the local transmission shop mechanic told me he can't diagnose the problem if the light is not on. I'm not sure if the transmission is the problem so I want to have an idea before going to another mechanic.