Smoke or steam on my radiator?

I have a 1998 honda accord vtech engine last month when i'm driving it going back home going up on the ramp exit we stop the smoke coming from the back of the engine and then my radiotor was blow up so i bring it to my friend and he fix so i buy a new radiator a termostat and new cap for the radiator then when he is fixing it he told mhe that the throttlebody of my car has corrosion so he change it to then he put it the throttlebody then before he start the car he put war on the radiator and live the cap off the radiator then when he start the car he told me that thire is smoke or steam coming out of the radiator, is my head gasket it blow up or their is something els please help thanks

2000 Honda Accord Overheating?

I recently replaced the engine in my 2000 Honda Accord. I sporadically drove it a few times before taking it out of town, and other than a slight burning smell the first few short drives (which the mechanic said was just oil burning off), it overheated and the engine has now shut down. The vehicle has been driven about 600 miles since it was repaired. It shut down in a different city than it was repaired in so we took it to the dealer and they said that it had the following problems:

1) it had an old/worn heater hose which blew out;
2) one of the temperature sensors blew out; and
3) the other temperature sensor is not connected.

Shortly, before the engine overheated and shut down, there was a small amount of fluid that appeared to be leaking from the vehicle, but it didn't appear to be (or smell like) oil or fuel and may have been mistaken (by my son who was driving) as condensation from the a/c. I hope the original mechanic doesn't try to get out of warranting the work and want to be as informed as possible when I talk to them so any thoughts on how this could have happened would be appreciated.

How much are custom license plates in MN?

I'm about to buy a brand new 2014 honda accord and I want a custom license plate. Is there an extra fee on top of the regular license plate and registration? About how much do you think it will cost? I live in Hennepin county in MN if that helps.

Good technologically advanced cars under 10k?

I'm kind of between a few cars
Civic si
Honda accord
07 Lexus is250
Mazda 3
Mitsubishi Lancer

Mostly I want it to look cool (the inside especially) and get good mpg

I'll be commuting to college so I'd like something reliable too haha

Got into a car accident, not at fault. Now what?

So, yesterday I got into a car accident. I was coming down a one way road and the other person (an elderly lady) was coming out a residential area. I had the right of way and the woman coming out of the residential kept creeping out more and more to turn, so I slowed but then she just stopped and stayed stopped as if she was going to yield, so I proceeded to keep going. I think she miscalculated her timing because as I was driving and finally approached her car to pass, she proceeded to go and rammed her SUV right into my Honda Accord. I tried swerving out of the way as my dad was my passenger but an island blocked me and I had no escape. She hit me so hard on my passenger side that I was actually knocked onto oncoming traffic and my right side is totaled. She even knocked my mirror off, which flew into my window. This morning, her insurance company admitted fault and said they would pay for the damages. I drive a coop, so I know they will be needing to replace my whole right side and most likely fix the electrics since my mirrors, window, and locks are electric. My question is, do you think they will fix my car or give me a settlement? If they do give me a settlement, how does it work?

Problem with 1999 Honda Accord Rear Brake?

We heard a grind in our 1999 Honda Accord from one of the rear brakes. The brake pad had worn through on one side causing the rotor to be ground down. The thing is that it only happened on one side of the car, that is on one wheel, and only one side of the rotor was being worn down. The other side looks ok. It seems that there's some problem with the brake itself, causing one side of the brake to clamp down on the rotor more than it should. Does anyone know what this problem might be?