Were is the airbag senor in the front and the modules inside the vehicle?

I'm looking for the airbag sensor for a 2008 honda accord and also looking the modules inside the car the side airbags deployed and I'm looking for the module for the side and also the sensor. I'm also looking for the module for the driver side air bag too and also the module if you have any information on this I would really appricate it thanks so much for your time.

Around how much will I pay for this accident?

So today I was driving with my girlfriend and I parked. We decided to park closer to a store so when I backed out I hit his 99' honda accord ex. I was driving her 06' Mini Cooper. It was a minor accident and we exchanged info and all. I left a picture in this post so any if you guys can tell me around how much I will pay for the damage I caused. This is the first time this has happened and I want to get a taste of what's coming to me.Around how much will I pay for this accident

State Farm insurance premium went up?

I had a 1995 Honda accord 4 door ex. I was paying $73 a month for insurance with state farm. My insurance was renewed and I bought a 2006 Hyundai Tiburon. I transferred insurance from the Honda to the Tiburon because I. Sold the Honda. Now I got a bill and my insurance is $110 I kept the same kind of insurance. No changes just a transfer. How is it an extra $40 a month? The insurance was renewed a month before this at the $73 a month rate. I don't understand.

How to fix my gas gauge in my honda accord 1999?

The car has 185,000 and the gas meter was on Empty so i filled it up with 30$ of gas and when i started the car it didn't move. Couple minutes later it moved up slowly. What can i do to fix this problem?

Car keeps dying while driving?

I've asked this question once already but didn't give out that much information on the topic. My car is 1999 honda accord ex v6. I've been having this problem for a while now and it's really bugging me, when I'm driving on the road my car would randomly stop, like the she would die in the intersection, but the weird thing is, is that I have power. I can still hear the radio going off. The car would die and I would try to start it up but wouldn't start. I can hear it it sounds like it want to start but it won't go over. Me and my uncle changed the fuel pump but it wasn't it, we do believe that it's fuel related

Check engine light is on, on my 1999 honda accord lx?

The check engine light is on what should i do. The car has 185, xxx miles. The cars a stick shift so when i have it in neutral i noticed that the rpm stay on 1 then raise to 2 then just repeatedly does that? Is that normal? Anyone know the problem?