My car honda accord sport Lx?

My car won't tyrn on it give me a star but won't fully turn on I change the distribution and new battery and new starters

How much will it cost to get my car's brake system repaired?

I have a 1990 Honda Accord, that recently (in the last few days) started having problems. My mother was driving it, and failed to tell me that she was needing to refill the brake fluid several times within that period. We took it into a shop and had the car looked at. They said that the entire system would need to be replaced because brake fluid had leaked and gotten on everything. I know that I definitely can't afford the price they gave to get it replaced.

When we got it towed back to our house the driver referred us to another shop, and said they could do it for a lot less. I'm wary of both shops (one could be overcharging, the other could be giving bad service), but don't have many options. I'm wondering how much it would normally cost to replace the system, and if the entire thing actually needs to be replaced, or if there's a way to just replace what caused the leak and clean it up somehow.

I'm young and know next to nothing about cars, so if anyone is willing to give me some information it would be appreciated. I don't know how many of the repairs are necessary, and if they are what they should go for. Any help or information would be appreciated.

98 Honda Accord won't shift out of drive?

When I stopped my Honda in a parking lot and tried to shift into park my shifter handle ran forward but the light on the dash cluster stayed on drive, now I can't move my handle out of the park position and I can't start the engine because you obviously can't start an automatic in drive. Any ideas would be helpful because I'm out of them.

What are some audio files that can play in my car?

I just got a 2005 Honda Accord LX. When I tried to put CDs in that I burned on my own with.wav files or.mp3 files, nothing plays. I just wanted to know which files that do play in my car. There's also a CD that I made a while back that has ".cda" files. Those play. If there's no other type of audio files that would be able to play in my car, then how can I convert a.wav/.mp3 to a.cda? I have Nero MediaHome if that helps.


Added (1). I've figured out the problem 4 those who may hav the same/ similar problem. When you download the song from your source (I use youtube downloader &it automatically downloads into.mp4 files), make sure its in.mp4 (if not, convert it w/ a simple online converter if you don't already hav 1 installed). Once in.mp4 form drag.mp4 music files to th "burn" column in Windows Media Player. MAKE SURE you DIDN't CONVERT.MP4. Then click start burn and it will automatically go 2.cda form & will play in the car.

How Long To Receive Nationwide Insurance Check?

I was rear ended about 2 weeks ago by a Nationwide insured. They are not disputing liability and an adjuster came to look at my car on Wednesday. It's a total loss. He was very nice- I own my car (a 2009 Honda Accord) outright, so I gave him the title on the spot. I sort of expected to receive an on the spot check in return, but I guess different insurance companies do things differently.

Anyway, he called me today and said that he issued the check yesterday and gave me the check number. However, it gets printed and mailed from Columbus, OH (Not sure why, since he had the capability to issue an actual check).

Anyone have experience with how long it takes to receive it?

Honda accord 2011 mileage?

So I got a 2011 honda accord with 31000 miles. I just brought it to service and because the wrench sign came out and where the miles were the oil life 15% came on. Now after service it says oil life 100% but I also want to see how many miles I've driven. How do I switch it back?

Why can't women differentiate cars?

I had tons of experiences with these and the worst I can get is confusing a Toyota 86/Scion FR-S with a Ferrari.

A woman I overheard in a car show thinks that a Daihatsu Copen is faster than a Honda Accord, because the latter has 2 doors while the Honda has 4.

Some of my schoolmates are unsure of the brand that they own.

Tail lights and fog lights won't come on? But they work when i press the break?

Its a 1996 honda accord. Well just today i took off of the bumper to re-adjust it. I took off the taillights and the inner taillights as well to polish them, also when i took off the taillights i also replaced the licence plate bulbs and took off and polished my rear corner bumper lights too. So everything was going fine but when i removed the bumper there was a lil black cable attatched to it. It was grounded behind the bumper. I disconnected it thinking it wudnt be no biggie to put back on. I polished the lights and udjusted the bumper. Well today when i put everything back together they all worked fine ( fog lights, Tailights, breaklights and rear bumper lights) … But then i remembered i left a screw un bolted to the bumper. So i removed the bumper once more to screw it back in but while iwas doing that the lil black cable ripped. I thought it was no biggie so i took a gold plated ring terminal i had laying around and connected it again. And now the fog and all the rear talights won't turn on. They turn on when i hit the breaks but thats it. I also tried to re wire my licence plate lights but was unsuccessful. Could i have shorted a all my wire? Or messed up something? Or was it that black lil ground cable that came off? Maybe i didn't put it back on right? Please help thats my daily and i need it to go to work. Thanks!Tail lights and fog lights wont come on But they work when i press the break

Aux input installation Honda Accord?

Are there places that do this? I heard Best Buy does. Can anyone confirm this?

Before anyone says it, I know I can do it myself. I don't want to.