Is my car running too many RPMs?
I have a 96 Honda Accord Automatic V6. It has about 97,000 miles on it. Once it warms up, it runs about 2,800 RPMs at 65mph and about 3,000 at 70mph. It seems a bit high to me. Should I be concerned about it?
I have a 96 Honda Accord Automatic V6. It has about 97,000 miles on it. Once it warms up, it runs about 2,800 RPMs at 65mph and about 3,000 at 70mph. It seems a bit high to me. Should I be concerned about it?
So the 1st code I had was p0420 which was dealing with the catalytic converter. But I knew that wasn't bad because I wasn't seeing of a failed cat. So I replaced the downstream 02 sensor due to horrible gas mileage.(The sensor was like a rusty black it needed to be placed As soon as possible ) so when I start the car up e raised the check engine light and no more than 3 seconds later it comes back on and now it's p0141. So I've been researching it said it might be a fuse but I've checked that no blown fuse anywhere, they said it could be s short in the wiring which brings me here. I think the sensor might be faulty… Please help
I have a 96 Honda Accord ex. I just got the car and right off the bat, I had the starter changed and the ignition switch fixed. All the electrical stuff works and everything but I notice when my car starts to warm up, it struggles to start. An example of that would be if I go into the store for 5 mins and come back out/go to turn back on my car, it almost sounds like a weak battery and struggles for a few seconds but always turns on. I don't know what the problem may be, once the car gets going it runs like a champ. My breaks were checked, they were fine, my car doesn't overheat or even go over the middle line. The only problem is the struggling I sometimes hear. It makes me uncomfortable as I want to feel secure driving my car. One more add, the previous owners said they just put in a new battery but I'm wondering if maybe it isn't charging throughout the day or it is just too weak to support this car?
Our 2007 Honda Accord V6 Manual which we got used a few months has another problem. Between the power steering failure and the third gear spit out, we just can't win. This time the rear passenger floor is soaked. The carpet was literally black, as opposed to the tan carpet around it.
I vacuumed it out with a shopvac and more water was in there than there should be. I'm currently letting a fan dry it out. Is it a door leak, some sort of fluid leak? I read that the AC dropoff might come through the carpet. But the water was soapy.
What is going on and will Honda cover this?
My radiator just busted on my car and I had to leave it in a bad city for a couple of days. They stole my battery and we replaced it with a new one. After replacing the battery it started up fine the first couple of times and then it wouldn't start. The brakes keep blinking and when the door is closed it makes a sound that a blinker usually makes. We unhooked the battery and it started up again, but it didn't start back up the next time even when unhooking the battery. It doesn't seem to be an issue with the battery because everything works on it the headlights, radio, windows, blinkers, etc. If someone could give me some advice on what the problem might be I would really appreciate it, I'm being told that it might be a security feature.
I Have A 1997 Honda Accord & I recently got in to an accident and the front left side of my hood got pretty messed up. How much will it be to get it replaced or fixed?
Took my 95 Honda Accord to a repair shop to have my radiator replaced. I got home the next day turn my car on and might be four light was flashing I put it in drive I can go a little bit but I can tell that the transmission is not acting properly I haven't had a issue with his car before transmission wise this is the first time this has happened but only after I changed the radiator replaced the radiator at the repair shop. I have read in other fourms that a flashing light means there's an issue with the transmission just trying to see if anyone else had this issue after changing the radiator and was wondering how much this cost to fix or if it's a simple fix our parts need to be replaced any help would be greatly appreciated just did the engine swap on this car and my funds are limited thanks
1998 Honda Accord sudden stall?
I've been looking at stereo systems and ideally this one has everything I want. I'm just not sure if it's compatible with my car.
So while driving, this has happened a few times now (this is when I'm driving to work, which is about 25-30 minute away). I will be able to drive to places like the store to get food, and I'll be on the road about 10minutes or so, without much problem; however when I go anywhere that's roughly 15 minutes or more away what happens is I'll be pressing on the gas pedal (going about 40mph) and I'll notice that my car will slow down even if I'm pressing the gas and the RPM will go to 1 and almost to zero (normally its at 2-ish when going at that speed) and while pressing the gas it will usually be 10 seconds until it climbs back up again. This is always near the end of my drive and I'm almost at my destination.
The first time this situation happened, I was at the light and was speeding up again when it went to green, got to about 20mph and it kind of stalled and wouldn't pick up, then shoots to 40mph. Then about 5-8minutes later it the RPM goes up & down sporadically, sputters for about 10 seconds and then just goes back to normal and I reach my destination 8-ish minutes later (including lights).
I've been hearing everything from bad spark plugs, to being my transmission, fuel pump, fuel filter, air filter, needing a new fuel injector, to needing just a fuel injector cleaning, blah blah…
The mechanic looked at the hood of my car and said that everything looked good, checked the oil/fluids and those were all good as well. The check engine light only showed "emissions" problem…
Added (1). When he and my mother drove my car they didn't feel anything out of the ordinary, but i figure they aren't driving far enough; cause it doesn't really happen until i've been driving for awhile. I already had to spend a ton on new tires and a new axle/cvjoints… And i can't waste anymore money just having them say "oh MAYBE it's this"… T_T
I haven't changed the plugs since I've got the car; i'm at 160k miles, I got it when it was at 138k, 4 years ago.
Added (2). though when they looked at the plugs, i was told they didn't even look warn…
I'm a grandma type of driver so I don't drive recklessly or anything…