Car comparison? Narrow it down for me?

1. 2015 Chevy Volt / 25k Mileage / $16,899

2. 2015 Nissan Rogue SL / 35k Mileage / $20,998

3. 2015 Volvo S60 T5 Premier / 25k Mileage / $21,998

4. 2013 Honda Accord CrossTour EX / 40k Mileage / $15,998

5. 2015 Lexus NX 200T / 19K Mileage / $31,998

6. 2014 Lincoln MK2 Hybrid / 24K Milage / $23,599

7. 2014 Mercedes-Benz CL550 / 27K / $38,998

All of these are used and off of carmax. I've had a hard time finding any decent reviews. Consider fuel, family, and safety also any perks like back up assist.

Serious questions for mechanics about my 2003 Honda Accord ex 4 cyl?

So I left my house and went to the gas station to get gas and I normally get mid range and I left the gas station and got on the highway. When I was on the highway and I started accelerating my whole car started shaking and was cutting out and my check engine light came on. So I exited and took an emergency route to get back home As soon as possible and tried to let the car idle and not give it much gas. I also noticed the car began shaking again after I came to a stop and started when I accelerated. Recently I had my hoses detach from my radiator and my car overheated and leaked out antifreeze. Since then its been smelling weird and then this happened today about 1-2 months after the hose incident. I really hope my engine isn't ruined someone who knows or has experienced this please help.


I have a hard time changing gears into first, second, and reverse my clutch is fine, and works fine but I have a hard time getting into those gears… My clutch fluid is clean and full. Does anyone know what can be wrong? There's no leaking in the master cylinder and it is full.

How do I wash my car?

I have a 2016 honda accord that I got from my parents and I don't know how to wash it? I'm in college and my parents live 300 miles away

How to install app in a car, Honda accord?

How can i install any app like waze or google map in my Honda Accord 2017. I see there's an option to instal apk file but will honda let me install those apps and what kind if apps can i install?

Can I sue a dealer if I bought the car as is?

I purchase my first car and only had it for 4 months I got it August 11 and it broke down December 11 the motor went bad and it's gonna cost me $6000 to plus $1000 to get the suspension replace also, the car is worth 7,000 with 122,000 miles and btw it's a 2012 Honda Accord what to do? I need help

Honda accord froze overnight, how do i fix?

Honda accord froze overnight, didn't know or expect it to get that cold to lock it up. Got in car, tried to turn it over a couple times and it started to make a funny sound. Now its leaking from back, top of engine. What did i do to car and how can i fix it

How long does it take a Honda Accord battery to fully charge?

My car battery died today. This is the second time this has happened within 3 months (Honda said the first time that the battery tested good).

I don't use the car often and live about 10 minutes from work. I feel like the cold affected it this time? Or could it be a combination of that and the fact i'm not using the car besides to go to work really…

This is a certified pre owned vehicle i've own for less than 1 year