I have a 93 honda accord. That shuts off after driving for awhile and it gets hot. Also driving for a short period on hot days?

So I'm driving and when the engine gets hot my car starts to putter? Stall? As I begin to stop my car acts like it's loosing power and begins puttering and turns off. I could turn my vehicle on I can go about 1 mile. Every time I come to a stop it continues to do as stated before. But a couple of more times the check engine light comes on and I have to let my car cool down (which on hot days it's usually at night). It won't start back up until it cools down, and the check engine light is off. What needs to be repaired or replaced?

Honda Maintenance Reminder?

Greetings from Europe.

Here Acura TSX is called Honda Accord.
Even though some specs are different and could vary by the model and year the basic principles are the same. I have a question regarding reseting the schedule on maintenance screen. Here is the Symbol Maintenance Item (Codes) for the European Accord.

Symbol Maintenance Items
A Replace engine oil and oil filter
B inspection service
2 Replace dust and pollen filter
Inspect drive belt
3 Replace transmission fluid
4 Replace fuel filter
Inspect idle speed
Replace spark plugs
5 Replace engine coolant
7 Replace brake fluid
8 Replace air cleaner element
9 Inspect valve clearance[/size]

Here is the point: Today I changed both the transmission fluid /code 3/ and replaced the brake fluid /code 7/. After resetting /code 3/ the computer moved me to B which is not due at this point so I do not want to reset it because it will mess up the schedule for it. Code 7 was due to change. As a matter of fact, it appeared few months ago. How could I make code 7 appear again on the dashboard and reset it?!

96 Honda Accord possible fuel system problem?

I just bought a 96 Honda Accord off Craigslist for dirt cheap. It needs some work done to it before I can resell it. Most of the damage is cosmetic but I found a slight problem with the fuel system. If you get in and turn the key it just cranks and won't run. However after sitting in accessory for anywhere from 2 to 15 min you can turn it off and back on and then you can hear the fuel pump kick in and it ll start right up and drive as far as you need. I replaced the relay thinking it was the problem. Does anyone know of this particular issue. The fuel pump obviously runs but that doesn't mean it's not bad. I want to make sure it's the fuel pump before I put the money and effort into doing it

1998 Honda Accord ex v6?

I have a Honda accord ex v6. While driving it my power steering belt broke. Well after that happen my car no longer wants to cranks. It's throwing no code, it's getting fuel, not over heating, I'm not sure what could be causing this. It turns over just no crank all after my power steering belt broke.

Car sensors bugging out?

My car spent the last week on a car transport. That transport had two tires blow out on the side of a highway during transit.

When I got the car it looked fine on the outside. But now everytime I break down hill sensors go off. At one point my battery turned off. I turned off the engine and restarted it and it ran normal.

Can these sensor issues be due to the shock of the truck transporter tires blowing out?

I have a 2009 honda accord. Never had lights or sensor issues.

1998 Honda Accord ex 5 speed (clutch issues)?

My clutch seems to feel sticky as I release it slowly. Has a squeak when I push in.
Clutch kit and flywheel replaced in December.
It just feel sticky as I'm letting off the clutch. I kinda found that the squeak comes from the clutch master cylinder so I'm more worried about the stickyness.
I also noticed that the slave cylinder can be squeezed by hand, (the opposite way that the clutch pedal pushes it.) as I do that I can feel the sticky feeling in the clutch engagement lever(whatever the slave cylinder pushes on lol)

Not sure weather to replace the master and slave or sounds like something in the clutch assembly. Maybe some lube or grease somewhere will help?

Any help?