Is a 2006 Honda Accord 4cyl coupe with 180,000 miles a good purchase?

It's my first car so I have a super low budget. I found a deal on the car, 2,400$ and has some work to be done to it. Needs 2 new tires, an alignment, and a new mirror. It's got ALOT of miles on it and it's scaring me away from buying it. I've been told that Hondas are a reliable car as long as it has been maintained. I really don't know if I should buy it because it might not last me a long time. Do you all think this is a good deal, and if so why or why not?

Car is jerking while driving?

My mom bought a 1995 honda accord today the guy said it runs perfect which so far it does (he kept good care of it inside/outside also) but we noticed when she's driving it kind of jerks like if it were a stick(its a automatic) shift like youll be driving at 20 then at 30mph itll jerk then at 40 then at 50 but it stops at a certain point until yiu start accelerating again. What could this be? Because its older? Transmission?

Is Honda no longer making Accord Coupes?

It is for sure that the v6 accord is getting chopped next year but a new article says that the 2 door version is also being discontinued. Anyone know about this or think its just fake news?

Honda is going to stop making the Accord Coupe?

It is for sure that they are no longer putting the v6 in the accord, but new article says that they are discontinuing the 2 door option all together also? If anyone is good with research try to debunk this

How to clear all error codes in a 2016 Honda Accord V6 Touring?

I just bought a Maxiscan MS300 and tried it in my car. First off, "Linking Error" came up on my display on the scanner… I just shut it of, but next morning, the car showed up a check engine light along with "Adaptive cruise control error" and "Emissions error" and some other stuff, basically all error codes came up.

I need to know how to turn them off, and no, I'm not going to take an appointment at Honda in 2 weeks, just because I wanted to test an OBD2 scanner.

All this stupid technology in cars is pissing me off.

2004 Honda Accord won't turn over?

Recently my radio light has been flickering and it was slow to turn over earlier today. My battery, alternater, and starter were replaced at the same time a lil more than a year ago.