1997 honda accord won't start

I had put a post up before about my situation but i think left somethings out. Long story short my car died on the highway. Pulled over once it started back up. Went half a mile it did a slight clunk and died. This time i when tried to start it, it sounded like a power drill. Did research its not the starter because i see everything moving when its cranking, the distributor rotor isn't spinning, but i see the cams moving thru the oil cap but it still sounds like a power drill.

1997 honda accord broken timing belt or timing is off?

Was driving home from work on the interstate. Was approaching traffic so i hit the clutch to downshift. When i hit the gas nothing happened. When i looked at the dashboard everything was lit. I pull over and start the car back up. I drive another half a mile and when i press the clutch, i heard a slight clunk and it died again. When i tried to start it, it sounded like a drill running. I seen online thats no compression which is a sign that the belt is broken. But my car started back up again. So is the belt broken or is the timing horribly off? The engine is a f22b2.

Should I Buy a Used 2014 Volkswagen Passat Tsi Se?

My family friend has a 2014 Volkswagen Passat Tsi Se 1.8 that has 43,000 miles on it. She knows I need a car and wants to make me a deal and sell it to me for $9,000. It is in excellent condition, well maintained; although it had a minor dent repaired a year ago, so it is considered "good" according to Kelley Blue Book. Trade in value is $9500, while private party is around $13,000. I plan on using it for my daily commute of about 3 miles (no joke) round trip along with maybe 30-40 miles a weekend, amounting to roughly 2-3k miles a year. My one major concern is that this car will not be reliable. However, I do not think that I could afford a Honda or Toyota of similar value as those would easily run me $11k+. I have thought about just buying it a selling it, but let's assume that is not an option. 1) Assuming I do not wreck or damage it badly, do you believe that this car will cause me trouble if I plan to keep it for two years and sell it? 2) Do you believe that if I go easy on it, it could even last me 150k miles +?

Tail lights working, brake lights not.Honda Accord?

I have a 2001 Honda Accord. The Tail lights are working fine but they do not intensify when I apply the brakes. I changed the bulbs and the third brake light, the one in the rear window, is working fine. Any ideas?