Am i unlucky or is car tinting that difficult?

While ago my mother bought camry and had outside tinting shop to do tint for her car. After awhile the rear windshield tint started peeling off causing unsighty bubbles. So, she had the tinting removed. But in the process, they messed up that defrost line thing and defrosting stopping working properly afterward.

Now I bought honda accord 3 wks ago. I paid $600 to dealer(which is 2-3 times more expensive that outside shop) to have it tinted thinking they would do better job. But, after tinting, my car started making annoying rattling noise when driving. I brought the car to service department and it turned out tint on rear windshield was peeling off from bottom and making that noise. They said they have to peel is off and do it all over. But, the tinting tech is not there everyday and I have to wait. They gave me option to just come back when tech comes. But, i decided to leave my car there. So, it has been like 3 wks since I purchased the car and my car is still in the dealer.

Is it common? I thought tinting is commonly done properly and what happened to my mom is exception but it seems it is not. Is tinting that complicated and technique sensitive? Since they have to peel it off, will that most likely mess up defroster on rear windshield? I regret that I decided to put tinting.

Car only starts when its cold outside?

2000 Honda Accord.

When the weather is hot( 20 plus Celsius), it won't start.

But when it's 5-10 it will start.


Added (1). injectors are good, battery is good, starter is good,

Fuel pump might be bad?

It's a Honda, they last forever!

Added (2). I don't understand the 8 years thing.

That would mean about 200,000 km and the car is done. Honda can easily last past that.

My civic is at 500,000km and nothing major has gone wrong with it.

My Accord is fine too, just having an issue starting up now.

How come car rear wheels won't move?

I live in northern Midwest state where it can get cold during winter. Below 0 sometimes

1995 Honda accord

I have not driven it since late January, and now rear wheels won't move. I try to back up and just lurches. I put it in neutral and nothing happens. It is parked on a some what back words slant. Transmission frozen up?

what can I do?

Added (1). If parking brake is stuck, what should I do. The lever is down

Added (2). and won't go forward

How many miles is to many if I'm in the market for a used car?

I'm looking to purchase a used 2003-2005 Honda Accord. I see a lot of them in my budget that have 170-200k mileage. If I'm looking to use the car as a daily driver to work and school ever day? This is assuming I'm going to check out and make sure the car has a good service record. Let me know your thoughts. If you have a different car that you would recommend for a max price of 2,000.

Parts for 1987 Honda Accord LX Sedan?

I own a 1987 Honda Accord LX sedan, fuel Injection, A20A3 engine, 4 speed automatic F4 transmission, 256K miles, 20/28 MPG and I'm looking for a web site for parts.

Looking for all kind of parts, new (preferbly) or used. Parts like front, tail and corner lights, EGR, catalytic converter, AC compressor, ignition system, ECU, controllers, suspension, bushing, everything.

I have even thought in buying another one for parts only!

Which car is the better choice?

I'm 18, a working student and looking to buy my first car. I'm looking to drive my first car only for a year or two and then I want to get an SUV or something better.

Here are some cars I've found for sale by owners:

$800, 1997 Honda Accord, 130k miles, needs new starter but everything else runs fine. Brand new battery, cold ac.

$750, 1996 Toyota Corolla, 252k miles. Brand new transmission, tires and water pump. Everything in good condition.

$1000, 1999 Acura CL, 154k miles. Runs good.

So far thats all that I can find good for around my price range

Is it worth getting this car?

I'm trying to find my first car. Someone is selling their 1999 Honda Accord for $800. It has $130k miles. Brand new battery. They said the car runs fine but it needs a new starter.

I don't know anything about cars. How much would that usually cost (a new starter)? Is the car worth getting it if I have to replace that?