2002 Honda Accord LX with V6 engine is overheating and leaking antifreeze?

Car was fine 2 days ago, but yesterday I was parked (car still running) & it was leaking antifreeze like crazy. Called my dad & he said it might be from using the A/C, and to just throw some more antifreeze in there and it should be fine. Long story short, car ended up overheating & after letting it cool for a good 30 minutes I tried putting some more antifreeze in it. Antifreeze just POURED back out coming from the front passengers side. I know it can't really be diagnosed without looking at it, but I haven't had a chance to yet. I was just wondering if anyone has any ideas of what it could be? I'm hoping it's just a hose & not my water pump or thermostat.

What is the best code scanner for a 1995 Honda Accord ex?

Hi I'm looking to buy q code reader for diagnostic purposes and I'm just wondering how I can go about doing that? Anybody know a reliable code reader I can use for my car thanks! While I'm at it anything else I can do to keep my car in tip top shape?

Toyota fj cruiser vs honda accord 4 cylinder?

Toyota fj cruiser vs honda accord 4 cylinder?

Added (1). I have a 2007 Toyota FJ Cruiser with a 6 speed manual transmission and my friend has a 2008 Honda Accord with a 5 speed manual. Were both equal in shift i guess and we want to race cause he thinks his car is faster. Who do you think will win
He has a 2.4 l 4 cylinder 5-speed
Mine is a 4.0l v6 with a 6-speed

2016 Honda Accord 2.4 EX-L - Yay or Nay?

It seems to get consistent good reviews and looks better than the Camry. But is it really one of the best midsize sedans right now in terms of overall mileage, driving experience, comfort (for long drives), features, and handling? Or are there some other sedans out there now that rival the Accord?

97 honda accord won't start?

I have a 97 Honda accord. Recently it was overheating and we sent it to a mechanic who replaced the radiator and now it runs fine. Two days later i stopped at a stop sign and it sputtered as if it was out of gas then would die. The rpms were fluncuating. It continued this for another day or so and and now refuses to turn over. It will crank but not start. We tried replacing the distributor cap, spark plugs, egr valve. Our neighbor checked the spark plugs and it was barely getting a spark and he thought it might be the ignition control module. We have yet to change it due to lack of money atm. The codes are P0171 fuel system too lean bank 1 P0401 egr system insufficient flow detected p0441 evap system incorrect purge flow p0740 a/t lockup clutch system malfunction. Any ideas?


I have 3 1400 watt single voice coil (4 ohm) boss chaos extremes, 2 6x9s that add up to 500w they are 4 way speakers. And two 6.5 300w 3 way speakers. What kind of amp do I need and what Gage wire. Will I also need to upgrade my alternator. I have a 2006 honda accord vp

Why is my car making a loud BOOM noise when putting it in Drive from Park?

Why is my car making a loud BOOM noise when putting it in Drive from Park? - 1

Added (1). I have a 1998 Honda Accord. From one day to the next i got in my car in the morning to go to work, turned it on, put the car in D4 from park, let go of the brake, and heard a loud "BOOM". Can someone please tell me why this is? When i drive, it takes a little long to get out of first gear and when it does change gears, my RPMS sky rocket to around 5 or 6 and i get a BOOM. I have limited knowledge on cars, you are talking to a dummy.