Honda just shut off, what could be the problem?

Alright so I just woke up to move the car for Street cleaning and when I turned on the car, it was shaking.

After a little while driving around, as I came to a Stop, the car began shaking and every light on the dashboard came on and then shut off. I then just put it in Park, turned the key off and then turned it back on, and it turned on and I kept driving.

I would like to know what may be the cause of this and what I can possibly do? It's a 2002 Honda Accord Ex Special Edition. And no light other than an SRS light (which I'm getting fixed) comes on the dashboard.
Please help, I'm a student and I really depend on my car!

2000-06 Nissan Maxima SE Manual, or 2006-07 Honda Accord V6 EX Sedan Manual? And why?

I love our 1990 Nissan Maxima SE Manual, but to my wife it's just an old car. Before she trades it in on a Camry when I'm at work, help me pick something that will keep us both happy. It needs to hold our family of 5 comfortably enough to avoid fratricide in the rear seat on rare occasions when our minivan is indisposed. I don't want to pay more than ~$7000.

I'm looking at:
-- 2000-06 Nissan Maxima SE Manual Transmission
-- 2006-07 Honda Accord V6 EX (or EX-L) Sedan Manual Transmission

In a nutshell, the Maxima is sportier but more crude, while the Accord is more refined but not as sporting. Also the Accord is a bit more reliable, though the Maxima is okay. For the 2004-06 Maxima, most of the problems are apparently with the automatic transmission, which I would not consider.

The Maxima is faulted for a cheap interior. For 2004-06, it's also a little distractingly bright. Do you get used to it? Do you pull the bright silver plastic dashboard panels off and spray-paint them flat black? It's also faulted for unruly torque steer. But is that so bad in real life vs. Magazine reviews? In real life, I'm not flooring it 24x7.

The Accord is universally admired as a family sedan, but not necessarily as a sports sedan. The V6 Manual has very fast acceleration, but what about tossing it around corners? Does it wallow around like a drunken sailor while the Maxima is still on rails?

94 honda accord lx starting problems?

My 94 honda accord lx (224,000miles) has had starting issues for a LONG time, and no one seems to really know what's going on, I've replaced the rotor, and it helped for about a week. The car turns over but won't catch sometimes, usually after running, then turning it off for 10 min or less and trying to restart it. I then have to wait about 10 min before it will do anything other than just turn over. I've tried turning the key and letting the fuel pumps charge or whatever and that doesn't seem to make a difference. It's a very finicky problem that shows up with no apparent pattern. Any help would relieve a LOT of frustration!

Can you add paddle shifters to a Honda Accord?

Is it possible to have paddle shifters added to a car? I have a 2012 Accord LX-S automatic transmission. The steering wheel actually already has a spot and the holes for where paddle shifters would go because the V6 model came with them. Would it be possible to have them added? Would the dealership know, or is this something you would need a shop to handle?

Teenage boy trying to find the car I want?

So I'm 16 and want a car. Manual transmission is what I want. Also I would like the car to at least be fun and up to date at least a little bit. My budget is 5k maybe a LITTLE higher. Also I'm a teenage boy driving already so I don't want something that will spike up my insurance because I will have to be paying for that too. I don't want to sound like a d-bag either but I really only like leather if that s not too much to ask for. So summary: manual transmission, cheap, fun to drive(some power). Also I don't want any of the Honda Civic answers or accord or Camry or 240sx or even Acura integra. Sorry I just really hate those cars.

What kind of car should I buy? I'm 20 years old making 35k a year in Los Angeles California?

I currently drive a Honda civic 2004, I've had it for about two years now, I financed it with a super high interest rate ( I wish I should have known better) and was able to pay it off. Now I reduced my car insurance to liability since the car isn't exactly the highest on Kelly blue book. The car has been running like a champ but until recently I'm finding myself repairing different things for the car every month, small things but I feel like this will amount up over time so I have been considering purchasing a vehicle. At first I wanted a Mustang 2015 (the car looks awesome) but doing the math with my car insurance I'd be paying about 800 dollars a month total for the car payment plus insurance so of course that's a no go for now due to my age. Currently I was thinking on getting a Honda Accord 2016, they seem elegant and super safe so my insurance, albeit high due to my age, wouldn't be as high as a Mustang due to its safety features, either a coupe of the four door. What do you guys think? A totally different car altogether? I'm not able to get insurance with let's say my parents because the only other driver in the family is my step dad and we aren't exactly friends so he doesn't want to put me in his insurance. Please advise.

Can I return a used car I just bought?

I just bought a 2012 Honda Accord se with 35k miles yesterday from a small used car dealership and I had my family mechanic look at it today. I got the news that the rotors are heavily rusted and need to be replaced (all 4), break pads need to be replaced (all 4) and the front drivers side wheel bearing needs to be replaced. When I was at the dealer I was told that the car had no internal issues, and the only flaws were the cosmetic ones (I'm aware and okay with the scratches that are on the vehicle). While driving it home off the lot I took notice of the grinding noises coming from the car, which is why I immediately took the car to my mechanic. To get all of these things fixed is going to cost me a lot. Since the salesman didn't tell me about the issues before hand, am I allowed to bring the car back and return it? I'd rather go elsewhere and buy another car that won't cost me anything for repairs a day after I get it. I live in Connecticut. The price of the car is $13,900 plus after taxes, fees and interest on the loan I got it comes out to almost $20k, and to pay that much for a vehicle that needs work just makes me angry and I feel ripped off. The salesman told me the car was in perfect condition and the Kelly blue book value was over $16,500, but it's actually KBB value is around $14,000. The salesman/owner of the dealership stated we have a 60 warranty if anything happens but he wasn't specific on as to what it covered no matter how many times we asked.

97 honda accord running hot at idle?

I have a 97 honda accord that was running fine until it got hot outside. It runs fine in the mornings at abt 50 degrees or less. In the afternoon abt 65 degrees or high it starts to get hot at an idle or stop. And by that i mean it goes past the middle line. I just got it back from a mechanic they replaced the whole fan motor and also found a bad oil leak and replaced the vtech valve. I drove it back home abt 35 min away and the car did well until i got abt 5 minutes home through red lights and it started running hot again. It didn't go to the red but it went a little above the middle and highest being between hot and the middle line. I called the mechanic back and he told me to run the ac while i drove home to see if that would help the fans kick on. While running the ac if at a stop it stayed a tad above the middle line. What could this be? After i turn the car off you can hear the fans on.