For the ladies, a choice between two guys if they approached you but not at the same time?
Out of these two guys which one would you pick and why?
Guy 1 is a hot and sexy narcissistic bad boy who doesn't reveal that he is like that at first until later on in the relationship where he gets comfortable, a bit of a dum dum, confidence built from women throwing themselves at him and telling him he's sexy as well as several one night stands, a dude bro, he has a horrible personality but is a smooth sweet talker with women, he uses his looks to get women, he lives in a house with other guys who are like him, he drives a beater, and he works in retail
Guy 2 is unattractive, he's a good guy, confidence built from success, he's intelligent, he's a geek who likes video games, anime, sci-fi, comic books, and other geek culture, doesn't really gets into relationships as much or at all, has a good personality, not much of a smooth talker but still tries to be, doesn't use looks or money but instead charming wit and intelligence, lives in a two bedroom apartment by himself, drives a 2010 Honda accord, and works I a factory that pays well.