Today while i was driving my friend 2004 honda accord v6 car that he lent to me after me other car got finished off, i decieded to go on the highway for fun in the morning bc of no traffic.
BC of that, i decided to go as fast as i can(gradually) to the point that i ended up doing 120-125 mph. Before i was able to go even faster i got pullled over by a state trooper. When i got pulled over by a state trooper he told me how my license will get suspended and all that stuff and that i was way over the speed limit of 70 mph. Is there anything that could happen to me besides having points on my license?
Added (1). the reason I'm asking is bci mean i don't understand this when there was hardly ANY TRAFFIC. If there wasn't anyone, who else would i be harming at 6am, besides 18 wheelers?
Added (2). i was just CRUSIN the STREETS and i get pulled over.
Added (3). Also when they told me to step out of the car, i accidentally fell bc my sweats where sagging and they ask me if I'm drugs.
Added (4). do they ask ppl if they are on drugs?