Police photo radar van took a picture?

I was driving on the right side of the road. The speed limit is 35mph. I was driving 30 because usually there's a photo radar police van. There was a Honda accord driving really fast behind me. The driver that was driving behind me didn't know that there's a police van. He was driving more then 40mph. What happened is the driver was on the left side and when he realized that there a photo radar van he pressed on his breaks and he was right next to me on the left side. My van was way taller and longer then his car and the police van took a picture of me and i'm not sure if he got the speeding car because the driver was on the left side right next to me. Are they going to give me ticket because they had a perfect shot of my vehicle and i'm not sure if they are going to be able to see the other car. I was driving way slower then the speed limit because i drive on that road every day and i already know about the police van being there.

Car won't start but all the lights and dashboard work fine?

When I put my key into the ignition all the lights turn on however when I try to start the engine nothing happens. No clicks or anything my car just beeps at me 3 times. Any ideas what's wrong? I just drove it yesterday and it worked fine. I have a 2003 Honda Accord if that helps.

What are the Consequences of going above the speed limit?

Today while i was driving my friend 2004 honda accord v6 car that he lent to me after me other car got finished off, i decieded to go on the highway for fun in the morning bc of no traffic.

BC of that, i decided to go as fast as i can(gradually) to the point that i ended up doing 120-125 mph. Before i was able to go even faster i got pullled over by a state trooper. When i got pulled over by a state trooper he told me how my license will get suspended and all that stuff and that i was way over the speed limit of 70 mph. Is there anything that could happen to me besides having points on my license?

Added (1). the reason I'm asking is bci mean i don't understand this when there was hardly ANY TRAFFIC. If there wasn't anyone, who else would i be harming at 6am, besides 18 wheelers?

Added (2). i was just CRUSIN the STREETS and i get pulled over.

Added (3). Also when they told me to step out of the car, i accidentally fell bc my sweats where sagging and they ask me if I'm drugs.

Added (4). do they ask ppl if they are on drugs?

2000 Honda Accord alarm malfunctions now car won't shift gears?

My brothers car alarm often doesn't disarm when you unlock it with the key fob and will set off the alarm when you open the door. We still can't figure out how to turn it off it just seems to go off randomly or not all all until you disconnect the battery. So my mom is stuck in the car right now, the alarm just went off several times when exiting the car, then finally quit so she gets back in the car ten minutes later, starts it and can't put it into gear! I told her to try disconnecting the battery, so she's doing that and going to let it sit, but if that doesn't work what can she do?!

Will cutting 2 inch dropped aftermarket springs damage the spring? Good or Bad idea?

I have a 2010 honda accord coupe, i want to lower my car. I saw these springs that will bring my car down 2 inches, but i want to get that extra inch to get it at 3 inches. Is it a good or bad idea? I know cutting factory springs are horrible for the car, but cutting aftermarket lowered springs be bad? I plan on doing this because i can't find 3" inch lowering springs Will cutting 2 inch dropped aftermarket springs damage the spring Good or Bad idea - 1

A 2002 car without power lock?

A 2002 car without power lock? - 1

Added (1). I brought this car from this guy. He is a mechanic. He buys and sells cars. I think he bought it from a dealer. The car keys has infos about the car, the car is a 2002 honda accord. One thing that threw me off is that the windows have to be rolled with hand. My mom has a 2002 honda and it have power lock. What is up with the car. Did the owner lied about year or something, the car has 153 miles on it.