Should I be concerned about a temporary flashing check engine light?

I was driving on the highway. 2017 Honda Accord sport with 16.5k miles. As I was driving I attempted to pass another vehicle. I got to about 80 mph. Suddenly I see the check engine light flashing. The power cut from the engine and I pulled over. I tried accelerating again but it was jerking and it had troubles even moving. It would barely accelerate. I pull over again and i turn it off and wait about 1-2 minutes. I turned it on and suddenly everything went back to normal. Like if it never happened. What happened and should I be concerned?

Sounds like it lost fuel pressure. It's under warranty. Take it to the dealer.

I would attach an OBDII scanner and look for stored codes to see what might be the cause.


Do you think its supposed to do that? Then maybe you should get it looked at.

Flashing is when you should be very concerned. It is a condition that will quickly destroy your catalyst converter. The worst priced catalyst I ever priced was $3300 for parts no labor. A tow is cheaper. If the flashing stopped and seems to run normal I would proceed with caution and schedule an inspection. If it continues to act up and flash I would shut it down and tow it.

Should you be worried? No. Because the car is under warranty.
You would be foolish not to take it in and have it checked out.