Should I buy a Infiniti G35, Lexus GS300, or BMW 328i as my first car?

My budget is 12000 and I do not plan to buy it off at once. I'm planning on putting a large down and paying the rest off monthly.

First and foremost, keep the criticism to yourselves unless you have other suggestions you'd like to bring to the table.

The G35 is my most favorable choice, they're everywhere and I'm most likely to find it in my budget. The GS300 is my last choice, I don't really like it as much as the mother two but it's nice. The BMW is nice but since it's German car I'm afraid it won't last as long as I'd like it too, and I don't want to be thrown in a bunch of maintance costs.

What are your experience with these 3 cars after 100k miles? Would you recommend the Infiniti or BMW after 100k miles? The B, W is a huge risk though so I'm most likely purchasing a G35. And the cars won't be passed the 2006 year mark AT MOST.

Help? Share your knowledge.

Added (1). I'm 19, almost 20. I've been driving a Honda Accord 2007 model since I was 17. It's nice and all, but I'd like something more exciting and more appealing as I'm young and in college.

Keep the Honda.

Luxury cars are expensive to repair & maintain. They were never meant for people on a budget.

Accords were. And its a fine car.

They are all fine cars but only the Lexus is likely to be low maintenance, the cost for service is quite high, as are all the cars. The G35 are well known as a car with many small issues and needs more attention, great car if you don't mind messing with it. The BMW are wonderful cars and I've had a few, the maintenance costs are very high, much higher than the others and they are more problematic than the Lexus and bigger problems than the G35. The other issue will be insurance cost, it would probably be quite high for a student driver. Keeping the Honda until you get out of school wouldn't be a bad idea, just be aware the Honda's have a poor transmission design and the automatic in the v6 cars is very prone to failure.

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