Should I put rear facing car seat in passenger front seat?

We have 2015 Honda Accord. Just 6 hour driving trip with 3 persons in the back, I want to put baby in rear facing convertible seat in front seat because I like that way

You can certainly do that and a lot of mothers do so they can talk to their kid and vice versa. However it is not the safest position in the car. The safest place is in a rear seat behind the passenger front seat.
That's the position furthest away from oncoming traffic.

The auto manufacturer, the car seat manufacturer and the national safety council have All stated time and time again that a rear facing child seat should NEVER be placed in the front seat of a car.

No! That is dangerous and illegal due to airbags.

No. If the car has a back seat you must use the back seat. If you have the kid in the front seat and the air bag goes off, the kid is likely to get killed.

Extremely dangerous in a vehicle that's fitted with airbags. Imagine what happens if the air bag deploys (sxplodes) under your baby? Basically the kid heads towards the back of the car at 100 mph and ends up dead.

If the airbag goes off it will kill the kid. You're supposed to put it in the back seat for a reason dufus.