Should i replace my starter on 97 honda accord?

My car went out on me unexpectedly, tried to give it a jump it did nothing, when a mechanic finally arrived he switched my battery with another cars battery and he SAID it worked bt i still wasn't get power to crank the car up and only light on my dashboard that comes on is the "battery light " after an hour of confusion he told me a trick to jump start my car with a wire hanger he touched the starter core with one in of the hanger and then touched the Positive side of my battery with the other end of hanger, when i go to turn the key it finally started! Bt i'm still confused on what the problem might be non of my lights come on my bashboard and my gas meter even stopped working only thing thats still active is my radio and car charger? Does this seem like a major problem or is this minor i haven't drove the car since the wire hanger incident

If you can jump across the starter solonoid and it starts then it, s the solonoid that, s bad and not kicking the starter in! It also could be the ignition switch that, s bad also! But before getting into that i would change the solonoid first!

If the battery was "replaced" but still didn't start i would next move to the starter. It sounds like you replaced the starter so then i would think there's a wire that has shorted out. That you bypass with your trick. Letting the alternator do its job after ignition. Can you explain any more?