Single Vehicle Collision, police notified but did not make a claim. Will my rates go up?

I'm 22 years old, been driving since I was 16. Full G License since June 2011. February 2015 I was cut off by an SUV, hit the brakes, hit a patch of black ice, and went into a snowbank. Wasn't hurt, but my bumper was totaled. I reported it to Police Collision Center (stupid decision, I know), had info of the guy that cut me off and a witness, but no go, police told me I was at fault. Never had any fines or tickets from that accident. I paid for the bumper out of my own pocket since my deductible was $1000 and the bumper was $850. Didn't go through insurance.

Because I reported it to the Collision Reporting centre, would my insurance company know and increase my rate at my next renewal? I'm currently with Economical and have been for the past 3 years. I was with Aviva before.

Also, unrelated, but is BelairDirect online quote system accurate? I got a quote for $3,200/year with an accident on my record (2006 Honda Accord EX V6), but when I did it on insurancehotline, my cheapest quote was $5,500/year, which is insane. But I didn't see Belairdirect on the list of insurance companies they use, so I don't know.

Added (1). Forgot to add, I live in Southern Ontario if that helps any.

Running to turn yourself in. They have everybody trained! When will people learn? Everything goes into a database. Your insurance company will see you as an increased risk. The the insurance goes up.