Steering wheel shaking at highway speeds

I owned a 2007 Honda Accord and the having problems with my suspension. I replaced a motor mount and it still shakes. Dealer says I need to have my rear control arms replace. Can rear control arms cause the wheel to vibrate?

I assume you have had the wheels balanced?

Bent rim. Try rotating front to back. See if it helps. Rear control arms. Don't think so.

If the bushes are worn the car will shake as the suspension goes off on its own side trips.
A proper service should have found this before it became an issue.

Wheels out of balance… It will show more if your track rod ends are worn. Even worn anti roll bar rubbers


Are any of your lug nuts missing or lug studs broken?

More likely to be wheel balancing

I would question that diagnosis. It sounds like a front suspension problem, not the rear and could be as minor as needing tires balanced. I suggest you go to another qualified mechanic and have them check it out. Do not tell them about Honda dealer's opinion. If Honda was correct the new shop should give you the same diagnosis.

Raise the vehicle on a rack. Shake the tires All ways. How much play in the front end? Look the tires over uneven wear? Are the tires in ballance? Are they super cheap tires? Have front end alinement checked while you watch. Just ran up on the pads.

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