Value o a 1997 Honda Accord lx 4 dr sedan w 160,000 miles?

The value o a 1997 Honda Accord lx 4 dr sedan w 160,000 miles?

Between $350 and $3500 bucks.

Way too many variables and not enough information.

You really do not give me enough information in order for me to give you an exact figure. Assuming it is an LX with automatic transmission, 4 cylinder, air conditioning, and is in very good condition it is worth around $3,600 retail or $3,000 if it is being sold by a private seller. If it is an EX add about $350 to this. If it is a V6 then add about $200 more. You can put in all the correct info and see for yourself exactly what it is worth by clicking this link. >>>>>

Look it up at WWW.NADA.COM