Updated - Honda Accord 1999 has very low compression in all cylinders. I'm trying to figure out the problem

Compression is as follows:
c1 dry- 20 wet 45
c2 dry 40 wet 40
c3 dry - 30 wet 30
c4 dry - 60 wet 60

cooling system held pressure 11 lb psi 20 plus minutes so no crack head, head gasket issue etc.

the car was accidentally ran without any oil (no oil light on). Car overheated when a hose exploded and coolant leaked out. Temp was red hot, i pull over immediately to cool engine. What coolant was left in the car looked normal. I did not check the oil. Next day drove the car up a tow truck ramp; it started just fine with no odd sounds, etc - ran was ran for 10 sec maybe. When i checked the car at home it had no oil, not one drop came out during the oil change. The car would not start/stalled. It turned over and almost started once. The pistons smoothly move and push forcefully, but the car low compression.

Did driving up the ramp for 10 seconds without blow my engine or is it normal for a car to start once and not again after severely over heating?

Already adequately answered yesterday. Reported for asking the same question over and over and over. FAIL.

I doubt that 10 seconds did it, but if you ran around without oil for any length of time the cylinders could be scored. A cylinder leak down test would tell you. It looks like it could be jumped valve timing though. The timing belt may be gone.

The car got so hot your rings have lost tension

This question was answered. The engine is toast.