Want to sell a car with broken transmission?

I have a 2005 Honda accord with a broken transmission and it costs 1800 to fix it. My problem is that I have an outstanding balance of 9000 left to pay for it. What would be my next best solution if I wanted to get rid of my Honda without fixing the transmission and cutting the costs of my outstanding balance?

Nope. Your kind of out of luck. First of all how in the world did a Honda transmission break already? Its only 9! Anyway since you still owe on the car you need to continue to pay for it. If you don't it will be repoed and the company may sue you for the transmission repair cost. Your best bet is to get it fixed. I know funds may be tight but if you have to miss a payment its better to let them know the reason why you can't make it. Most are forgiving. And if you try to sell it no way someone is paying that much for it.

You won, t get 9 out of it the shape it, s in! Before you can sell it you first have to pay the car off so you can get the title! The smartest thing for you to do is get the car fixed, drive it until you get it payed down and then sell it!

That's what you get for driving like a maniac. If you had driven it right, this wouldn't have happened. You owe $9000? BWAHAHAHA Broken tranny? BWAHAHAHA Want to sell it? BWAHAHAHA

1800 bucks is cheap. You'll never get anywhere near 9 grand selling it as is. You won't even get that after it's fixed.

List it on craiglist for blue book value minus the trans cost or trade it in.

You only have one option. Repair the transmission

You can't cut the cost of your remaining balance. Your best bet is to fix the car and then get a second job to accelerate paying down that loan - I can't imagine owing 9K on a ten year old car - that is upside down big time.