We're having a dispute with our neighbors about a garage door. What can we do about it?

Us and our neighbors garages are right next to each other separated by two wall their's on their side and our's on our side. My brother drive a little honda accord and he is the only one that parks in it. He left around the ten in the morning and around five in the afternoon our neighbors knocked on our door saying that someone had crashed into our wall inside the garage and their wall had fallen somewhat apart. Their wall is wood upfront dry wood behind it with 4x4. Our wall is old very thin old wood. Pieces of wood, dry wall, and a 4x4 fell. Our wall just had a crack going up and down. First they said it was the car, my brother brought the car back there was no damage to his car. Then police got involved and started saying someone kicked it. They're blaming us, but shouldn't there be more damage to our wall since basically we had to get through our wall to get to their's? Another neighbor who works construction said that a kick couldn't break a 4x4. We're being blamed for something we didn't do, what can we do about this situation. We have said we're going to fix our wall and they can fix their's and now threatening to take us to court. Any suggestions?

Can they prove you or one of you did it? Nope, they can go screw.

Your wall is damaged, and it damaged theirs. Doesn't matter how it happened, you're still responsible. Sorry.

Make a deal with your neighbor. He gets to kick the 4x4 as hard as he want. If the 4x4 breaks before his foot, then you pay for all repairs to both walls. If he breaks his foot and the 4x4 is intact, he pays for all repairs (and medical bills).

Document the damage. Take pictures on both sides. Also photograph your brother's car.

A good engineer or other analyst would be able to tell which way the pieces fell and so forth, but they may have moved things, or otherwise shifted them, though an engineer could also recognize that.

The police will be no help, they don't know anything about this sort of stuff.

My advice is you don't give into their demands if you know you are in the right.

Get the opinion of a contractor/carpenter regarding how the damage happened

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