What are all the requirements for trading in a car?
I talked to a lady at Nissan about if I could trade my 98 Honda accord for one of there cars, she asked me how much was i looking to pay a month, long story short on Monday I will be heading up there to see what I can trade it for.
I have the title and all that good stuff so are there any requirements for trading it in? I bought it from a private seller i don't know if that will effect if I can trade it in or not.
A Nissan dealer does not really want a 1998 anything. They will give you something as a trade in and it will be off to the used car auction lot on the next truck. The best you can do is bring it in clean.
Max is right. A 1998 car is not worth much to a dealer. So you won't get much credit toward the purchase of another car. If you don't have much down payment cash, this is not good news -- because trade-in credit is used as a partial down payment. You'll get more money for the old car if you sell it to an individual, not trade it.
Best to sell it on your own. You will get $1000-1500 more oftentimes. But it can take a few months.
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