Where I can get a free information to repear a car?
I'm trying to remove a pwr steering pressuro hose from my honda accord, but any time i go to eny "side""they' just want money for de answer, ALSO I VISIT THE LIBRERY and must of auto mechanis manuals has ben remove do to the computer information, but they hava nathimg concer to "replaysing" the not important parts, its very saad that people like me like to do auto repears on my cars can't faund free information no more… If any bady get a GGOD information please replay
What year? What hose?
Well, I think what you want to do is remove the pressure hose, Enter those search terms in youtube and a video will appear. Probably more than one.
It's even sadder that people can't find free information on how to spell words in the English language… Oh WAIT. They CAN. It's called a DICTIONARY. USE IT!
- Do car companies have to fix recalls free of charge? Looked up my car and it had four recalls. Does the company I bought the car from (bought new) have to do the maintenance free of charge? Also should I print out the sheet from the Honda website with all the recalls? (I'm in the US).
- Where can I find a free file download of a 1997 Honda Civic EX manual? I'm looking for downloads of 3 manuals. I'm looking for the repair manual, owner's manual, and electrical troubleshooting manual.
- Honda Accord Hybrid Information Panel? I bought a new Honda Accord Hybrid and one of the information panels shows a car in a green circle with 2 white lines on both sides of the car. What is this panel telling me? I've checked the owner's manual, and it doesn't explain the feature.
- Affordable worry free car? I'm looking for something in the 2012 range. I've narrowed my budget to about 12,000. Honda Accord, nissan altima and chevy malibu. Something that looks decent, good gas mileage and a vehicle that won't end up in the repair shop than on the road would be ideal. I'm 23 married no kids also in the military if that makes any difference Open to all other car make & models