Which car would be best for work?

I currently have a 2015 Hyundai Accent. I recently transferred to a new work location that is 15-20mins from my house. When driving on the freeway, there's a incline going up, and it's really steep going down. I put in gas Thursday, and I'm already below half a tank!

I was contemplating whether or not to get a new 2019 accord hybrid or accord sport. I never driven a Honda or had one before so I don't know how well they do in gas.

Any info from current Honda drivers would be great. (I say Honda cause I want a Honda lol)

The 2015 Hyundai Accent has an itty bitty gas tank size.
In prime condition, you should be getting 27 city / 38 highway miles per gallon.
Remember there's a portion of the gas tank that is not included in the gas gauge. This is going to be 1-2 gallons of gas. This is so you have a reduced chance of actually running out of gas.

To be clear - It does not appear that you are getting bad gas mileage. The issue it that you have the small gas tank size, so it needs to be filled up more often.

Gas tank size: 11.4 gallons
Usable amount: 10 gallons
1/2 used would be 5 gallons.
Have you driven about 100 miles?
- if you aren't getting this gas million, do you need a tune-up?

You use the term "freeway". That likely means that you are in California. Other places say "highway".
The average price per gallon in Los Angeles after the 6-cent tax increase last week is $3.77
To fill up your tank it is $37.77. It sounds like you need to do this once a week, on average.

Purchasing a new car for $30000 because you don't like the price if gas is silly. It's going to cost you HUNDREDS of dollars more. The cost you pay right now, might not even cover the increased cost of insurance in the new car.

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